Hitchhiker. Crazy find.


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Found this guy stuck to my overflow after a water change today. Some sort of tiny cuddlefish. Probably too small to ID. Bad pictures don’t help either. Anyone got any ideas though? Haven’t added any corals in months. I have no idea how this guy got in there.
That’s pretty sick! You plan on keeping it?
He was already a goner when I found him. I would have kept him for sure though. There crazy little creatures.
Damn, that would’ve been really cool had you been able to find it sooner and fed accordingly.
Do you happen to feed any sort of 'predator mix' frozen food? Many of these have whole baby squid in them.
If it came in on something, I would guess it's some sort of bobtail micro squid; they are nocturnal and bury in the substrate during the day, so could explain why you hadn't seen it before.
Nevertheless it's a cool find!
I fed Hickari mysis shrimp today. But that’s is. I think those are fresh water. But I could be mistaken. I need to get down there at night and see if I can find.