Holy bristleworms, Batman!

mojo;243294 wrote: I considered putting it back in the tank. I really did. But the last thing I want to do is reach in there to pull out some rock and end up not being able to move my hand for a week after hanging on to one of these guys. I eventually decided that whatever benefit that I got out of the bristleworm was negated by the potential for injury.

On the flip side, bristlestars</em> freak me out, too, but I threw about 10 of those back in the tank...

That's why they invented those big rubber gloves that go up to your arm pit. Not to mention that nasty infection when you get a small cut from the live rock.

My fear is electricity which is why I wear mine.
dang! that's a nice bristleworm! I would have been PROUD to keep that thing! Although you may not have been able to see in there ( I assume that's why you're changing LR??), he would eat some MAJOR poo and uneated food!
dude if i saw that **** in my tank, id probly scream like a girl and run away,. haha hes HUGE