holy gorilla


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Just got some zoa frags from rob yesterday and woke up this morning with the frags all over the tank and one missing. So he told me to take a flashlight to the tank at night. Well just did and found this guy crushing my zoas. Luckily i quickly grabbed the rock he was on and threw him in a bucket.

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i had a gorilla that didn't look a thing like that one.. mine was hairy on all legs/arms..

and much darker..

but yeah.. he doesn't look like a good crab..
When i caught him he still had my zoa frag in his grasp. So i recovered that one. I believe he ate one last night.
put him on the grill. No i havent decided what to do with him yet.
This is why I kill all of the rock I get before it goes in my tank. I would rather kill some Coraline algae versus some of my most prized fish and other inhabitants....
sharkbait;663110 wrote: this is why i kill all of the rock i get before it goes in my tank. I would rather kill some coraline algae versus some of my most prized fish and other inhabitants....

I just found a very hairy white crab in my live rock bin...no idea what he is or where he came from. Maybe we can cook out?
Tjyoung;664244 wrote: Did you know that he was in there before or was he a hitchhiker

Most of the time they are much much smaller and can easily hide in the caves and holes in your live rock. They start out as scavengers, then they get larger and start preying on your rock dwelling fish and by then you can see them and know what you are dealing with. Overall it isn't a pleasant experience.
Sharkbait;663110 wrote: This is why I kill all of the rock I get before it goes in my tank. I would rather kill some Coraline algae versus some of my most prized fish and other inhabitants....

Sorry for the noobie question, but how to you kill the rock?
Butch;666446 wrote: Sorry for the noobie question, but how to you kill the rock?

Plenty of ways, you can let it dry and set it in the sun for a few weeks, some guys use bleach. Welcome to the club I'm in Cochran nice to meet you fellow middle ga memeber
Thanks. Nice to meet you too. Can you boil the LR like you can in freshwater tanks?
I think so but you don't want to breathe the steam from it at all, a store owner on here was telling us that a guy was trying to get rid of some zoas he had on a rock and poured boiling water on it outside. He had to go to the hospital and has breathing problems still to this day. Before he had no breathing problems. Introduce yourself and ask all the questions you want there. That way we won't be getting off topic in this thread. Again welcome to the ARC!!!!!