hospital tank


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hi eglston hospital has made a new building with an aquatic floor and i think we should donate a tank to them and some equip. i know all of this since my sis got her heart transplant there. when the hospital has their grand opening on august 26 i will ask the transplant cordinator if we can donate a tank and set it up over there. i want to help in seting it up since they did so much for my sister. and i think that the kids in cicu(intensive care unit) should have a tank to look at since they can not leave the floor and all of their saltwater tanks are downstairs. if some of u guys could donate things that would be helpfull and size doesnt matter but we would like as large a possible. and we will need everything for it. if anyone can donate money for it and things that would be helpful but do not donate before the 26th so i can make sure we can set one up there.
It is a very nice thought, and not to rain on your day but I have quite a bit of experience in this area. Before you even ask for donations, you are going to ask the chief of staff at the hospital for permission, they are going to have to go to the insurance company (think of the damage if it broke) and the hospital board and ask for permission. Then they are going to want to know who is going to maintain the tank. Then they are not going to want to have a tank that is ugly in its lobby so you better have it cycled before the doors open or be able to cycle it off site and "plug and play" it into spot. Then they are going to want to know what the libility is for accident (to guests, staff, ect) and then have to make sure that everything is sanitary for a hospital setting. The list goes on and on...

Believe me, I have set up two tanks for hospitals just to have them taken down once one of the above could not be answered. I applaud your efforts, god only knows I have been there, but I think it is more headache then you think it would be. It is not just "Here is a nice pretty tank as a donation, where do you want it!"
I could offer to set it up or at least help with the setup and install. I have a bit of experience in that field ;)
let me know the status of things as they progress. I will donate the stand/canopy or trim out the tank, if it is a built in...

I build the stands for cap bay.
I think its a great idea but Brandon is right.....alot of liability goes into having tanks at hospitals....Miami Childrens used to have one and the had to take it down becuase of some odd regulation by some medical board......I am sure it can be done but it'll take some time....

That said....I'd be glad to help in any way I can (probably a cash donation would be best since I have nothing to frag or no equipment to donate)....could also help with set up but there are probably some more experienced people out there.....

Good Luck!
<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: darkgreen;">I would like to help also - </span></span></span>
<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: darkgreen;"></span></span></span>
<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: darkgreen;">We (i.e. Southeast Aquariums) just put in a large starphire aquarium in the new Emergancy Room at Austell's Wellstar Hospital (we were hired to do this - not a volunteer job) - and we had to jump through all kinds of extra hoops we have not had to do in the past to be able to do the job. One hoop was a heck of a lot of insurance. Just a thought.</span></span></span>
<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: darkgreen;"></span></span></span>
<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: darkgreen;">Margi</span></span></span>
blind1993;60458 wrote: hi eglston hospital has made a new building with an aquatic floor and i think we should donate a tank to them and some equip. i think that the kids in cicu(intensive care unit) should have a tank to look at since they can not leave the floor and all of their saltwater tanks are downstairs</em>....

Well, if I'm reading this right, it sounds like the hospital might already have some tanks set up *downstairs*, so maybe a lot of the hoops have already been jumped through?

It could be that getting permission might not be as difficult as assumed.

Fingers crossed, because this is a wonderful cause.

I applaud blind1993 for such a selfless and giving attitude regarding this. (Rare to find that in today's youth.)
Once this is solid let me know what is needed and I'll gladly donate. One of the most soothing and calming things to look at to relieve stress is a an aquarium, especially a reef/marine aquarium! Kudos to you blind1993!
i know about all the hoops and things but they will maintain it them selfs since they have a company do it for them. also i hope this is alright but can we dedicate it to my freind justin who passed away in the hospital looking for his second heart.

oh and i think we will just end up using bio spora for cycleing the tank and i also know almost all of the hospitals staff so i can get throgh those hoops pretty easy the only thing is that a reef would be more plesent but for us to do that we would need everyone to chip in frags and things. but i might just end up calling the hospital and seeing what they say before the grandopening so that we can get to setting it up on grand opening day. and thank you all for wanting to donate.
oh i just remem that when we donate it the tank will have to brand new or very clean since most of their patients do not have a high immune system.
Does the club have a coordinator for charity events? Sounds like Blind has a nice idea but might need some help from folks that have done this before (sounds like there are a few).

Count me in BTW when this happens.
well i am going to get the coordinators email and ask her if we can do this.
well good news i talked to my dad and he said it should not be too hard since they them but he said he can not take me there too much to set it up if it is a go. i would only be able to go 1 or 2 times a month.
well even more good news i got directed to the person and her name is dianne and i reached her vioce mail. i have her phone number. i will see if she calls me back and tell u what she says.
well i should have an answer before the end of the week she is in a meeting all day tommorow but i got someone to send her the message.
well no offense taken i just thought that people would like to know the progress on the situation.
well the lady called me today and said she will need to know if someone will be able to take care of the tank. is anyone willing to do that.