How big of a Sump for 120g?


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Good Morning All...

Petco has the $1.00 per gallon sale that ends tomorrow. I'm buying 2-40g breeders just to have for the future. My question is that I'm abandoning my 55g for my sump as it is just too big to work comfortably under my stand. That being said, what size tank do you all recommend to run as a sump for my 120g? I wanted a 40g long, but, petco doesn't have any in stock. They have a 20g long and a 29g. Which one would you all recommend for a sump? Would 20-30 gallons even be enough volume for a sump for a 120g?

Thanks all!!!
I have heard "1 gallon for every 10 in the display" but really it is whatever you need to fit everything in. Are you going with a refugium? How big is your skimmer? How much room do you need for ATO and Return Pump? In my 125 I have a 40 long. Works great. At 4' long it gives me ample space plus leaves 2' under the stand to put the ATO make up water and some of my supplies. Plus, if I need too, I can crawl through that space and get to the back of the tank. LOL That is until I gain a few more pounds.
min is 10% so 12g. you can squeeze that out of a 20L.

you want a longer foot print. what size PS are you using. the 20L is the same size as the 55 f/b.

if it were me i would go with the 40B. this allows you to turn your PS f/b and allow more water. you always need to make sure you have enough room for power outage or tank shutdown so you dont flood your floor. i'm in the process of upgrading from a 55 to a 75.

i want to get by there and get a 20L for future as well
Go with at least a 40 or 50 breeder. Same footprint, the 50 is a little taller.

However, I will be using a 75.

Thanks for the replies. I am currently running a HOB reef octopus bh200 that will be replaced by an in-sump skimmer. Haven't decided which one to go with just yet. I do plan on having a small refugium incorporated into it to grow pods and such.

I wish they had a 40g long. I'll ask them to check the back of the store when I go by. If they don't, it seems like either the 20g long or the 29g tall will work. I see the length being of more benefit than the height for What I'm trying to accomplish, so if they don't have the 40g long, I may be alright with the 20g long?

Anybody ever done a sump with 2 separate tanks under their stand? Probably a plumming nightmare, right?

Edit: Edit: Never considered the 40g breeder for a sump. It will take up all of my space front to back, but, I'll still have space left to right...
18w or 12w it still flows. if its a 20L and you use say 8" for pump return it will be 8" x 12" by say 8" deep. thats 3.32 gal but on the breeder it would be 8x8x18 or 4.98g. so wider is better.

you might want to upgrade PS later. I have a RO nwb150. its 12x6 so it wont go f/b in the 55. this would give you more overall room in the sump so you could grow frags or put a fish for short term in the PS side.
You literally can't go too big. But, you can go too small. Obviously you need enough volume to handle your overflows when the power cuts off. After that it's all icing on the cake.

I was instantly thinking 40b when you posted, and would recommend that. On my 150 though my sump is only about 26g. That covers me during a power cut so long as my check valve works =( I'm not 100% sure it will contain everything it the check valve failed.
i would never trust a check valve... also they restrict flow and would need to be up sized because of this.
I ran a check valve on my 150 until I went closed loop.

I cleaned it 2x/month and was lucky.

Given the choices we have, I would never do it again.

I like a simple overflow, so when the power stops, so does the water.
I am with you Bill. I can't get away from the fact that if I used a check valve it may be the one that was built at 4:45 PM on Friday by MURPHY!!!!! Not going there. LOL
rdnelson99;799181 wrote: I am with you Bill. I can't get away from the fact that if I used a check valve it may be the one that was built at 4:45 PM on Friday by MURPHY!!!!! Not going there. LOL

LOL. With the tank troubles I've been having, I believe Murphy set up my tank.

Well, I'm headed out to Petco. I'll let you all know what I get.

thanks all!!!
My stands will be built wider than the tanks to allow for extra room underneath.

Aesthetically, I like the prospect of a wide shelf all around the tanks too.

It will be a little different.
ichthyoid;799187 wrote: My stands will be built wider than the tanks to allow for extra room underneath.

Aesthetically, I like the prospect of a wide shelf all around the tanks too.

It will be a little different.

I have seen a few set ups like that and I couldn't agree more. JaycenB has a gorgeous one that he built for his tank. I love it. Saw on FB that you orderred a new tank. What did you get?????? :eek:
Marineland 120

It will have the 75 sump.

There will also be a 40B frag system with a 50B sump and 15 gal fuge.

Both systems located separately and tied together via some 'magic'

~300 gallons total

Well, I'm back. Purchased 2-40g breeders and a 20g long. The only difference between the 20g and the 29g was that the 29g was 6 inches taller. That will fit under my stand, but I will have a hard time getting stuff in and out of it due to the height. We'll see how it works out. It was only $20, so if it doesn't work, then there's always the possibility of using a 40g breeder. I'll test fit a breeder tonight.

Thanks all!!!
I use a 40g breeder that I modified as a sump/fuge. Works great. I also use a check valve on the return line. I clean it twice a year. I've never had the first problem out of it and regularly shut off my return pump. That said, I have more that enough room in the tank for back flow should the valve fail.

Good luck!