How can you tell?


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I don't know if I have red slime or diatoms. I am guessing it is red slime because it has bubbles in it and it is really stringy. Is there a sure, way to tell the difference between the two?

<span style="color: black;">Red slime is usually a dark red to black in color. Diatoms are usually brown. I've seen both bubble and have a slimy appearance.</span>
got a picture of what you are talking about that would help...i have battled both lately and well my diatoms just went away and chemi-clean got rid of my slime with no problem
Well I would post pictures but It wont let me. I don't know why? I have drag and drop enabled but it wont let me drag pictures into the box.
I'd rather get the problem sorted out on this forum so I can share pictures with you all. I'm going to buy some Chemi-Clean today to see how it works.
some people will say chemi-clean is just a short term solution and if you dont rid the actual source of the cyano then it will come back. My personal experience with it has been really good. I used it on both of my tanks and I have yet to see another outbreak of any cyano I think it works great.
I had a problem with hair algae and red slime algae last week, I went to Petland (last week) and bought 4 Mexican Turbo Snails added them to my tank and now all hair and red slime are gone! Those things are living lawn mowers, They did such a good job I may have to get rid of a couple of them or I'm going to have to feed them algae sheets. Jeff
yeah i do agree with that i have a couple turbos in my tank and they do a great job...they eat everything but I didnt know they will get rid of cyano
Thats the thing though, I have 4 pretty big Turbo's and they don't touch it. I have had good luck with the Ultra Life Red slime remover but it doesn't treat much water. Im going to make an order tomorrow from Foster and Smith.
I really dont think turbos eat read slime (cyano)....maybe someone with more experience can chime in on that but I dont believe so.
Could it be dinoflagelltes? Most snails won't go near it. I think it may be toxic to them. Do a search on it and see what you find.
Hope that helps.
oh thats gross ive had that before and im pretty sure chemi-clean killed it here is a pic i found
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I've got the same problem. I'd chemi-clean the tank right now if I had an air pump. I have the chemi-clean already, but that warning on the side of the box scares</em> me.