How can you tell?

Just to be sure to keep oxygen levels up in your tank by using an airstone for 48 hours, and then do a water change after 2 days. I'm not sure what would happen, but I'm not risking my tank to find out.
<span style="color: black;">It severely depletes your oxygen level. You risk losing live stock unless proper levels are maintained.</span>
when i used it i had no fish loss or coral loss from using it...i had two MJs running and i did a water change two days later. If you have an airstone definitly use it to increase oxygen. I think you will be fine just use the correct dosage.
oh and on my 12g i did the water change after 3 days instead of two and i had no loss what so ever
Showtime305;34272 wrote: <span style="color: black;">It severely depletes your oxygen level. You risk losing live stock unless proper levels are maintained.</span>

yeah, that's obviously the assumption I've been operating under.

Stroid, I think I'll hold off on dosing the chemiclean until I pick up an airpump. It's just not worth the risk.