How did you get into the hobby?


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In reading Jin's Reef Darwinism thread, it made me wonder how people got started in the hobby in the first place. I've enjoyed reading the stories, now let's hear some more about your first tank!
I was grocery shopping in wal-mart--we were buying treats for my dog (in pet section). Saw a '29 gallon complete setup!' bought it, and it was all down hill from there! I still have the 29, it's a freshwater setup, I enjoy it, (lots easier), but I LOVE saltwater!
When i was a kid i used to always ride my bike around the city and there was one pet store i used to always go to, and used to always see the clownfish in there and loved them. I was hooked before i could concieve the addiction this hobby has. Then started researching about 2 years ago and was gonna get into the hobby, then kinda pulled away from taking the dive until last year when i went came upon a great deal on a little 15 gallon cube. It was all a wonderful money pit since then :) I now have about 7 or 8 tanks laying around and 3 settup
It all started with a goldfish, then a bigger tank for the for gold fish, thena 24 gal aquapod then a 120 gallon tank and a 215 starfire oceanic tank. I just donated 2 tanks to the club and equipment.
I'll blame my boss. He was going to throw away his 14 gallon oceanic tank, I told him I would take it because I have always wanted a salt water tank. I picked it up, start the cycle and got another call from my boss. This time he was upgrading his 34 gallon to 72 gallons and wanted to get rid of the 34. He knew so badly that I wanted it, hence the acquisition of the 34 gallon. I am waiting for another call from him in about 3 months, asking if I want the 72 gallon :)
I started out with Neon Tetra's I loved those fish growing up, from that I went onto other kinds of tetras. Then one day I was at a fish store in london and I saw my first saltwater tank and I knew that's what I wanted. So I started a fish only salt tank while breeding Discus :)

Took a break for 12 years and just got back into the hobby this fall.
It all started when my Father-In-Law was cleaning out his basement. He had 2 20 gallon tanks. I took them Ended up buying a 20L. Preserving some sand and LR in one of them. Contemplating using the other for a sump for my 55 build. It's not my fault.
My family always had a fish tank when I was growing up; I was fascinated with the fish (fw), especially guppies (pretty and constantly multiplying!) I bought my first sw in college, a 29g from the lfs. From there, I read, read and read. Then, I upgraded to the 800!
My girlfriend thought it would be cool to have some saltwater fish, little did I know she was using my compulsiveness, and need to tinker with stuff all the time against me. Now she gets to enjoy a nice tank while I do all the work, and spend all the money:unsure:
Skriz;252414 wrote: My family always had a fish tank when I was growing up; I was fascinated with the fish (fw), especially guppies (pretty and constantly multiplying!) I bought my first sw in college, a 29g from the lfs. From there, I read, read and read. Then, I upgraded to the 800!

Did you literally go from a 29 to 800 or is there a gap of tanks?

I have always loved the ocean and wanted to be a marine biologist since 3rd grade. I changed to graphic design while applying to college because I suck at math. I begged my parents to let me get a tank but they knew they would be as much involved as I was and fish stores always told us not to bother unless we get 100+gallon tank, which of course is expensive. My dad and I got certified when I was 12 and that just added to the obsession. Finally my first year of college my roommate also happened to be a scuba diver. I did TONS of research and together we bought a 12g tank and some live rock for my birthday. Now 2 years later I have a nicer 12g aquapod and cant wait to make that huge jump like Skriz.
By the way, I think you gave me my first coral a while back. A small kenya tree. I donated that, what became a huge piece, to the collins hill ocean club thing and now its offspring are getting to big for my tank as well!
I've had an aquarium since I was a kid. About fifteen years ago I decided I wanted a SW one. I can't remember anything after that.
My wife had always had a freshwater tank even before we met and always wanted a saltwater tank so I decided to get her a set up for a saltwater tank Christmas of 2005. We got it set up and cycling and even got a couple of damsels swimming around in it. I then looked at her and said something I will never forget.............. "So, do you want to do a fish only or a reef." She said reef. And the rest is history.
When I was about 9 years old my mom worked in a pet store that had fish and reptiles only, I said it then that I would one day own a store. We always had a fish tank since then. When I moved out at 21 I bought a 10 gal, and within a year I had two 10's, a 29 and my first 55. They were all freshwater but saltwater was inevitable.
I got a 10g kit from walmart like4 or so years ago when I first moved out. I kept it way overstocked. I had an irredecent shark, a 4" angel fish, some, that had to have sucked for them. Well I learned a little and I kept that tank for almost three years (no losses except for plants) and my fieancee bought me a 55g (which I thought was HUGE at the time) setup last christmas to move all the cramped fw fish into.

They lived in the tank for about 2-months and one day I did too big of a water change and the short answer is, I killed my irredecant, the only reason I got the I was bumbed. I ended up buying a 30g hex to mofe the other fish into (which the angel liked more IMO) and I converted the 55 into salt. Now almost a year in and my 30 hex is almost SW, and all I have left of FW is a little 10g with an angel and a couple tetras.
I bought a beta in a jar a little over a year ago. Figured I would upgrade to a larger bowl, then wanted to add a sucker/cleaner fish, then downhill from there. haha
ahhh the ocean! The beach! It just kinda draws us. Anyhow, my cousin had a SW tank for years & years. He's my inspiration. Then, the Avarium "put the cork in it". I always went their to get parrot food & supplies. After years of going, I finally said, "I NEED one of those"!
Scubagirl12;252446 wrote: Did you literally go from a 29 to 800 or is there a gap of tanks?

I have always loved the ocean and wanted to be a marine biologist since 3rd grade. I changed to graphic design while applying to college because I suck at math. I begged my parents to let me get a tank but they knew they would be as much involved as I was and fish stores always told us not to bother unless we get 100+gallon tank, which of course is expensive. My dad and I got certified when I was 12 and that just added to the obsession. Finally my first year of college my roommate also happened to be a scuba diver. I did TONS of research and together we bought a 12g tank and some live rock for my birthday. Now 2 years later I have a nicer 12g aquapod and cant wait to make that huge jump like Skriz.
By the way, I think you gave me my first coral a while back. A small kenya tree. I donated that, what became a huge piece, to the collins hill ocean club thing and now its offspring are getting to big for my tank as well!

Yes, I did give you that coral! :)

I went straight from the 29 to the big one. I didn't have time for a tank in between, I was too busy saving up and planning out the big project to come. It took a few years, but it was well worth it!
I remember when i was a kid , i went to the rich part of town and my friends parents had a SW tank. I was fascinated by it. I remember the only thing that lived was an urchin. After getting responsible and getting some money I bought a 24g nano cube. I stocked it with over priced LR, fish, and corals from CBA "thanks :(" One of the first things i bought was an urchin. After it killed and knocked over most of my corals I brought it back to the store and gave it to them. Once I found ARC it made the hobby alot more fun and cheaper.