how do people...


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...Bend eggcrate?

I need a 90degree bend in it over a fairly long distance and it either cracks or melts in one spot...

Ya gotta cut it and then zip tie it together. Thats about the only way you're gonna get a turn/bend in it.
That is against my sense of aesthetic and I have seen it done!
very simple. apply pressure where you want the bend. start moving a torch back and forth across where you want the bend. don't stop at the end but go past it a little or you'll burn it. it'll take about 30 seconds or so but it'll start to bend. don't force it too much. once it does, you've only got a couple of seconds until it rehardens. does that make sense?
Yup, it cools off too quickly - one side burns, the other remains stiff.
Tried it numerous times.
Even heated it in oven - still didn't heat evenly...
I bent a piece that was over 24" doing that. I held the flame in the eggcrate as it passed across it. That's also why you start applying pressure early. Once it starts to bend, keep the pressure on it. You can work the torch from both sides and that will help. I did use the heat from the coals of a bar-b-q grill one time and that worked well
beccamc10;564946 wrote: Why are you bending it....What about staring a zip tie and slow burn it. I mean take ur time and not heat it up to the melting point. Then let it cool down tighten the zip tie and do it again.try it over a few hours
bad idea. constant heating and cooling makes it brittle and prone to breaking.
Hackman72;564950 wrote: bad idea. constant heating and cooling makes it brittle and prone to breaking.
Agreed, any self respecting kayaker knows this LOL ;)
beccamc10;564966 wrote: Dont kayak sorry
I was just messing with hackman. He is correct though, By heating the plastic and letting cool continuously it will make the plastic brittle.
What are you bending it against? Just using your hands and heat? I know when bending any pvc you can fill it with sand to prevent crimping. Maybe a durable table, old wood block etc with rounded corners would help you out with a smooth curved bend
johnr2604;564961 wrote: Agreed, any self respecting kayaker knows this LOL ;)

johnr2604;564977 wrote: I was just messing with hackman. He is correct though, By heating the plastic and letting cool continuously it will make the plastic brittle.

Yes, but we all know I'm a low class kayaker...class II and III. I'll probably never make it to the level of "death rapids John" My "plastic" is to brittle.
Brian has made a ton of frag racks using a blow torch to carefully heat the eggcrate to bend it. Takes some finesse but it works just fine.

JennM;565003 wrote: Brian has made a ton of frag racks using a blow torch to carefully heat the eggcrate to bend it. Takes some finesse but it works just fine.


+1 to Brian, he did a perfect one for my bio tower... exactly 9 x 9
They use heat guns to bend acrylic in architectural applications. I would guess that you could do the same on egg crate. It was a long process but it looks great afterward.
jead85;564905 wrote: Convection oven

+1 thats how we molded plastic not sure if egg crate wil work.Of coarse the oven we used is for making prosthetic parts so was much larger