How hesitant are you to add new fish to an established tank?


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How hesitant would you be? My biggest fear even with QT would be sparking an outbreak of some disease or starting new fights and having new or old fish die
Considering this question myself. It's definitely a risk even if the fish are QT'd and disease free. In my case, I upset the fish hierarchy in my frag tank which caused some fighting and ended with a dead male clownfish.
Very afraid. My most recent introduction was an achilles tang, even after copper and QT, then an additional 2 weeks in a different QT before introduction into my display, which has no sign of any disease, the achilles started flashing and scratching after a few days in. Its been over a month and its the only fish that does it still. Very weird.
I've got some in qt now, some for frag tank and some for display. I plan to switch the most aggressive,, yellow tang in the frag and the Bristletooth in the display when I introduce them.
I’m pretty terrified to get any new fish, although the tank looks pretty empty with the amount I have
I do have plenty of tangs but lots of room for them to grow up


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its funny you posted this ive been debating on getting a new fish to my tank but im afraid i will have some issue with it everything is very peaceful and disease free in my tank i dont wanna upset the balance in 2019 i lost all my fish to velvet and ever since i have a permanent QT tank setup for all new additions but i havent added a new fish to my tank in about 8 months
Extremely paranoid about it. Everything I get is dropshipped from ORA or run through a TTM+ QT. I don't even like adding inverts but have to once in a while. I'm about to do a couple of clowns for a anenome and clown only cube build and am debating about getting mandarins and some damsels for the 90g but everything is so cruise control on that thing now I'd hate to throw it off.
Personally, not concerned. All fish go through indestructible levels of copper and other treatments before they even get to look at my DT. No problems so far...
I am more worried about upsetting the hierarchy in my tank than disease, I always QT my fish and don't have any issues with that. My balance in my tank with my fish has been so great that I haven't added any fish in almost 2 years and haven't lost any either. I'm planning to move my tank soon, and thinking about using this time to get some new fish QT'd and introduced to the new set up to take advantage of the situation.
I agree with the fears. We are soon going back up to a large tank and only have three fish in our current tank. Planning on getting several all at once to start QT then will put all of them in the new tank at the same time. That way everyone will be in a new place all at once and will have to find their ”home”. I currently only have a clown pair, who stick close to the anemones that will also be moving into the big tank, and a juvenile naso tang