How long does it take salinity and PH to stabilize in new saltwater?


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And, what is the relationship between salinity and PH, all other things being equal? I mixed up 32gal yesterday, and it checked right on 1.023 salinity, 8.2 PH.

Today after swapping everything over to a new tank, I had to mix up another batch so I can fill the sump and turn that stuff on tomorrow. The same mix recipe (measured accurately) gave me 1.029 and 8.0 out of the same bag of salt. Same temp, also, by the way.

I'm curious as to why the drastic difference in salinity when mixed identically. How long should it take before I know that it has stabilized, and can adjust this batch?
I run my tanks @ 1.025 sp and between 8.0-8.4 pH. When I mix my salt (I use 5 gal buckets) mixed according to instructions and always mix a little heavy. I mix about 4 1/2 gal of RO/DI water in the bucket to leave room for adjustments. I purt a small pimp in the bucket and place a lid on loosely and let it mix for 24+ hours. About 2-3 hours before I am to use the slat water I put in a heater to get it to temp. I'll check it before I use it and adjust accordingly. Maybe the portion of the bag you used had some of the additives settle out towards the bottom of the bag so your sg would be higher and depending on what might have settled could effect overall pH. I wouldn't take this as gospel but it sounds logical to me.
It's very late, so it's ok that you said you put a small pimp in the bucket.

I mixed 32 the first batch and 16 in the second, and I had to add nearly 3 gallons of fresh to get it down.
Do you use a hydrometer or a refractometer? Refracts are cheap and more accurate on ebay. Which reminds me
I used a refractometer (thanks Robb!) that I bartered the use of. One loaned 4" holesaw, one loaned refractometer!