How Many Fish Have People Crammed in Small Tanks (Successfully)

MvM;362597 wrote: Were you addressed in this thread? I'm confused. I think newbie idiot is kind of an oxy moron; an extreme one at that. If you're a "newbie," should you be called an "idiot." I don't think so. If you're new, please post and ask questions. That's how you lose the newbie title!!
I guess you missed my response..... please read a little closer.
Donna, I think you are making an assumption here about meaning. I read "newbie idiots" meaning newbies who also happen to be idiots, not inferring that all (or even most) newbies are idiots.

Newbies applied to all of us once (heck, I think it still applies to me), but a person has to earn the title of idiot.

Don't take the remark personally, I can virtually guarantee that it was not aimed at anyone specific... and not to newbies as a whole either.

This club is full of good people who will help you in any way, and many who will give you the shirt off their backs... don't let this misunderstanding sour you on it.
regardless of how he intended</em> the comment to come across...

it was a jerk thing to say..

I don't get offended by people's posts, so I don't really care one way or another, but I know a jerk comment when I read one..