How many fishies in your tank and what's your total volume?

1- sixline
1- royal gramma
1- flame angel
2- fire fish
3- peppermint shrimp 2 large 1 small
10-15 hermit crabs
5-10 snails

plans are as of now maybe one sally light-foot crab or a emerald
and a cleaner shrimp and maybe a few more fish as im only doing fowlr
Well, I guess that kinda tells it, don't it?

1 lionfish (about 3-4" body not counting fins) who eats pellet food
1 longnose hawkfish (big enough not to become 0 longnose hawkfish anytime soon)
A plethora of hermit crabs, a couple emeralds, a couple big ol' sallies
2 cleaner shrimp (big enough to not become 1 or 0 cleaner shrimp any time soon)
1 coral banded shrimp (go ahead... make its day... this shrimp just won't go down!)
1 sea apple... uh, wait a minute... scratch the sea apple... he died a couple weeks ago after being with me for nearly four years... no collateral damage, though.
1 choc-chip star, 3 serpent stars
1 big condi, 1 growing RBTA and a gnarly lookin' tiny anemone
Galaxia, candy coral (growin' big time), hammer, torch (big heads on both), some reddish-brown buttons, some green zoas on a pink rock, some funky lookin' polyp thingy which has grown to about six stalks
Some very healthy green hair algae colonies
A fair-sized sea hare to go eat those very health green hair algae colonies

Planned additions:
More corals... I think I've got something good going here...
Either a puffer OR a clown trigger
Another sea apple (yes... I know... I hope you're wrong...)
And I'm looking to upgrade to a much larger tank over the next few months.
90 gal with 20 gal sump.

My "children" include:
3 Perculas
1 Yellow Tang
1 Hippo Tang
1 Cherub Angel
1 Citron Goby
1 Sailfin Blenny
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
3 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Brittlestar
1 one-clawed Emerald Crab (Cap't Hook)
Assorted Hermits, all sizes.

I'd rather keep the load light, though I'd like to get a Firefish sometime.
90 Gallon + 15 Gallon sump/Refugium:
Queen Angel
Yellow Tang
Snowflake Eel
Glass Goby
Cleaner Wrasse
Black Clownfish
Lawnmower Blenny

12 Nano:
2 clarkii clown
1 six line
90 Gallon
Yellow Tang
Sailfin Tang
Maroon Clown
Black Blenny
Scooter Blenny
2 yellow tail Damsels
couple little snails

Soon to have a
Another Powder Blue
34 gallon:
flame wrasse male
mystery wrasse
onyx clown pair
55 Gallon with 20 Gallon Sump
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty
Domino Damsel
Yellow Tail Damsel
False P. Clown
Regal Tang (small)

3 blue leged hermit craps
5 Prymaind snails
7-10 misc small snails
1 large Counch-type snail..i forget the name
Well I was being a pansy about adding one lil fish back when I started this thread. Since then I have gone ahead and added about 8 more wrasse for a total of 24, 16 of which are wrasse. So I guess the moral of the story is... well there is none.
FutureInterest;211863 wrote: Well I was being a pansy about adding one lil fish back when I started this thread. Since then I have gone ahead and added about 8 more wrasse for a total of 24, 16 of which are wrasse. So I guess the moral of the story is... well there is none.

birds of a feather. i have resdesigned my stock list with some old and new.
I have the following in a 6GAL Nano...

-2 Tuna (Charlie size)
-1 whale shark (small)
-1 Octi (Nemo size)
-1 Kraken (Med)
In my 210
1 Majestic Angel
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 Blonde Naso Male
1 Purple Tang
1 Achilles Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Sargassum Trigger
1 Xmas Wrasse
1 Percula Clown
3 Blue Chromis
1 Lawnmower Blenny
55 gallon

4" Foxface
4.5" Purple Tang
Mated Pair Oscellaris Clowns (large - 8 or so years old)
Court Jester Goby
Six line Wrasse
Bandai Cardinal
Chromis (hardy lil' b'tard)
Cleaner Shrimp
2 Peppermint Shrimp

Golden Maxima Calm
Crocea Clam

Cleaner Crew Inverts
Joining the overstocked club:

155G bowfront
50G sump
50G fuge

Goldflake Angel
Red Sea SailfFin tang
X large yellow tang
5.5" black clown
pair of japanese swallowtail angels
dwarf zebra lion
midas blenny
venomous little yellow blenny
2 pajama cardinals
2 blue damsels (I can't catch)
male/female pair of small blue throat triggers
sailfin blenny
decorated goby
pink spotted shrimp goby
large snowflake eel 18"
pale (mint green) tilefish (with a bright blue head) - coolest fish ever!

....but I do have a large 24"/8" Euroreef skimmer that works overtime!