How many gallons do we keep collectively?

90+30+20=140 + 23947 =
<span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="color: Red">24,087</span></span>
24,087+75+15+10 =

<span style="font-family: Fixedsys"><span style="font-size: 17px"><span style="color: Blue">24,187</span></span></span>
40+24+10=74 gallons

=<span style="font-size: 16px"><span style="color: red">24,261</span></span>
If we are only counting salt
If we're counting fresh too: 24960+125+75+20= 25,175
210 display
90 fuge
55 cryptic
70 frag
5*20 holding tanks
100 sump

25150 + 210 + 90 +55 + 70 + 100 + 100 = 25,775 total gallons
ok. my turn.

46display+20sump+5HOBRefug= ~70gallons

26,555+70= 26,625 gallons of artificial ocean in ATL
Now we need to figure out the amount that has been changed out over all these

Ok maybe not.
125g reef +40g sump+20g ref.=185
120fowlr+30g sump=150g
24g nano
14g biocube
373g+26,915g=27,288 gallons