how to kill palys


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hey so i just got rid of another rock that was covered with hundreds of palys a couple weeks ago and was hoping that i had gotten rid of them for good. but when i lifted the rock out of the tank there were more clinging on the back wall behind where the rock was. how do you kill these S.O.B's

ive coverd them in a kalk solution a couple times and they did shrink in size greatly but now they are open again and starting to look happy i also tried aptesia x and that did the same thing. anyone got an effective way to get rid of them?
Search the site for threads on "Reef Napalm".

I am going on a cruise.....on my lawnmower around my yard.
i dont know if i would want to use something called reef napalm. it sounds like itll burn up everything in my tank. lol ill check it out
Shoot mike (mph84) a pm about it. The stuff works great. He used it to kill a ton of plays. I've used it on aps and mushrooms. Did not hurt anything else. Good luck
You are really going to freak when you see what it is made out of. Hehehehehe

I am going on a cruise.....on my lawnmower around my yard.
I use a diabetic needle and inject vinegar directly into the body. Kills it without disturbing anything around it. This of course only works if you can get to it.

Edit: Here's a thread on Napalm:
I've got some reef napalm that you're welcome to borrow, or a wajano wand that I'd be willing to sell ;)
Sure! Rental price is $0, but a frag of zoas would be a nice thing to do ;)
porpoiseaquatics;894539 wrote: I use a diabetic needle and inject vinegar directly into the body. Kills it without disturbing anything around it. This of course only works if you can get to it.

Edit: Here's a thread on Napalm:"></a>[/QUOTE]

thanks for the link jeff that was a good article

[QUOTE=][B]McPhock;894566 wrote:[/B] I've got some reef napalm that you're welcome to borrow, or a wajano wand that I'd be willing to sell ;)[/QUOTE]
yea id love to get some from you. will you be free thursday afternoon around 5ish? if not ill have to wait till the auction to get it from you.

[QUOTE=][B]rdnelson99;894528 wrote:[/B] You are really going to freak when you see what it is made out of. [/QUOTE]
i was a little surprised when i read that it was lye but from what ive read dave has been doing this much longer than me and knows his stuff so ill trust his word lol
Sure, Thursday 5pm works fine for me. Bear in mind though, a jar of this stuff is like $3. Dont know where Clarkesville is, but you might spend more in gas driving here!
well im actually meeting a friend for dinner in the oakwood area at 7 on thursday and lawrencville is only a couple exits up so i figure why not and its better to know im getting the right stuff from someone that has used it before rather than finding it myself and hoping its right (ive made a mistake where a tiny diffrence in the product i got and the product i was looking for caused huge losses in coral so i dont wanna take the risk)
You're getting the right stuff, but, full disclosure: I've never used it before. I opted to do a full tank reboot, since I had several other major problems stemming from my ignorance when I originally started in the hobby.
thats fine with me as long as its the right stuff lol. ill send a pm so we can trade info.
Hey Brijesh,
If you are unable to pick up the stuff from McPhock ( McPhock -kudos for going out of your way to help a fellow reefer), I've got a bunch as well. I used it to declare war on some white star polyps ( what I didn't give to Dirk that is).

Works great, only word of caution is be careful to make sure that there is no flow in the tank and next time I'd use I turkey baster/syringe or water change to remove any globs left over before I turn on the return pump. I wasn't very careful and there was a little collateral damage, didn't lose any colonies but there was a head or two of frog spawn and a couple of branches that got toasted. I forgot to turn the pump off- it was on a feed cycle and turned on in the middle of the operation. ;-)
thanks for the heads up ben. im usually pretty cautious when using stuff that could kill my corals but ill make sure to be extra cautious with this stuff it sounds pretty strong. oh and nice new avatar lol
I bought a needle and syringe form the pharmacy.
I use lemon juice. it may take more than on stick on different days
I notice my ORP drops everytime I when i do this. i have to do a water change tp bring it up.
Kalk water would propably work better and it would not drop your ph and orp.I just havent bought any kalk.
you should definitely get some kalk a small container will last you a very long time i have a half pound jar of brightwells kalk plus that i bought over two years ago and its still half full. though i only use it on rare occassions when i need to kill something lol
darrrenjmartin;894858 wrote: I bought a needle and syringe form the pharmacy.

Sounds like the beginning of an excellent Shinedown song. :). You don't happen to live in a hallway with no room and no doors do you?

I am going on a cruise.....on my lawnmower around my yard.