how to silence a dorso drain into the sump


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when I swapped tanks I went from a dead silent bean animal to an insanely loud Dorso setup. I have silenced the overflow part but the drain into the sump is driving me insane.

the best I can tell the noise is coming from air being trapped with the falling water and making it's way into the sump. it sounds like boiling water.

I have tried several suggestions and none have worked. the latest was adding a T in the drain line so the air could escape. it made it sounds like sucking sound.

the latest recomendation from a LFS is to add a Pee trap to the line. I can't for the life of me see how this would work. he said to come below the tank, over to the side of the sump, then drop it all the way to the ground, and come back up to the inlet of the sump.

has anyone ever heard of that? to me it seems like it would add back pressure to the drain and put it at risk of an overflow.

any other suggestions?

stats: 60gallon tank, essop 75 sump, all 1-1/4" pvc hardline, return pump is DC9000.
Interesting. I've got two durso overflows on my 180 and you can't hear them. You can hear water from other sources though. I'd be skeptical of the LFS suggestion. It seems to me that it would add back pressure that you certainly don't want. One option that I have seen in durso overflows is to run a small piece of hard airline tubing down the throat of the drain tube. That might help. There are several good Youtube videos on durso overflows.
How are your drains plumbed? Got any pics?

Most the videos I see say to put a gate on the drain to slow the flow. I only have one drain so that is out of the question.

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I can't post pics but I do have ball valves on both drains. Not for the purpose of silencing or slowing the flow though. I use them to shut off flow during maintenance (changing socks). In both cases, the outlet is below the water surface in my sump.

At the head of your durso, where is the water? Is it in the middle of the bend in the neck or over the neck? In my case, it's over the neck.
It's softly above center line of the horizontal pipe.

My drain extends before the water line as well. That accounts for the boiling water sound as the trapped air is also coming out below the water line.

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*slightly above.

(I really wish we could edit our

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Can't use 45's, and I thought the flexible pipe was even louder.

Any suggestions?

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Based on that video you posted, your sock needs to be changed/cleaned. I have 6 socks on my 180 and none of them have ever overflowed like that. Water should pass through the sock and catch detrius as it does so. From what I heard, there's certainly noise coming from there. I didn't hear any noise until you got below and into the stand.
Sock needed changed but that's not the noise. The same noise is there with out a sock at all. With out the sock it looks like boiling water. Tons of trapped air being released with the drain.

Btw, sock has been changed to a clean one 😁

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A couple things. Horizontal pipe is not good as air pockets get trapped. Do you have a air hole in the top of your Durso? Where are you hearing the noise the most? Up top and under the tank?
1/8" hole in top of dorso. It had a valve on it but it was actually quieter with out it.

Almost all the remaining noise is where the drain pipe is going into the sock. (I have already changed the sock, it was dirty in the video)

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Yes. The noise is from the trapped air getting sucked down with the water and exiting below the water line

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I would flip the sump around and have the drain nearly go straight down to the sump and sock. That horizontal pipe will always have noise.
I'm at work now, but it's just a piece of pvc pushed into the bulkhead and goes 1/2" below the water line

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Trizzino;1104915 wrote: I would flip the sump around and have the drain nearly go straight down to the sump and sock. That horizontal pipe will always have noise.

This is exactly what I'd do. One of mine goes straight down. The other has a very short horizontal run.