How to stop clown from hosting multiple anemones?


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So I have 3 clowns in my 75 gallon who all get along really well (False Perculas). I have had a green bubble tip anemone for about 2 weeks now and within the first 5 hours of having it, one of the larger clowns hosted it; I was SO happy! Well, 2 days ago, I bought a rose BT anem., which is on the opposite end of the tank and to my surprise, the same clown who hosts the green anemone now lives in the rose one too! I guess he wanted a vacation home!! :lol2: Happy as he might be, I was really wanting one of my other two clowns to have an opportunity to host the new anemone. So my question is rather or not I should just let him live amongst the two anemones (prefer he didn't hog them both), if in time, he will give one over to another clown, or if I should temporarily seperate the greedy clown from the others via a breeding net? He has become a bit aggressive since he hosted the first anemone; who knows what he'll be like now that he has 2? :unsure: I know there are no guarantees about what he may or may not do to share with the other clowns or change his own behavior later, but I would love some suggestions. Has anyone else encountered this before?
I have a saddleback that took over a bubble tip, a blue carpet and a long tentacle. The other clowns in the tank simply look on in envy. At one time, the nems were on opposite sides of the tank but the saddle back simply swam back and forth between them.
I got 2 nems and a mated couple. sometimes they sleep in one nem together, sometimes they sleep seperately...just like human I guess.
Your 'larger' clown is likely a female (gone through 'the change') and untill she pairs with one of the other clowns she may not let them near the nem's. Once paired they may not have any tolerance for the #3 clown. How big is your tank btw?
Thank you all for the feedback. My tank is 75 gallons. I really don't want to move the fish out of the tank unless they become aggressive, so I guess I'll just let them do their thing and not worry so much about what "I" want. :)