Huge Thanks


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I feel like I've been pretty vocal about my view on the ARC forum and community. Mainly defending the rips on the site. I'm not a huge fan of the new site. Obviously I wasn't happy it was down for a month. Like I've said, I think the biggest issue with the site is personal (to almost everyone)- that is not liking change, while of course there are some more practical issues as well.

The thank you I need to state is about the ARC COMMUNITY. The PEOPLE. In particular Adam. While Adam will admit himself that he's no expert, he's been as available as I could ask him to be to help me with dosing questions. He even let me borrow a 55g to use temporarily after I had an issue with my stand. For me, I know most of what I need to know but I appreciate the confirmation of what I already know and extra insight that he is so willing to provide.

So thanks Adam. And thanks ARC for the community.
Thanks for mentioning me Dan. I'm just trying to replicate what others here have done for me and pass it on. I most certainly am no expert. I only have about 17 months of actual reefing experience under my belt. We all started somewhere and I try to learn as much as I can. You're right, Dan, it is the people that make the site. People like Ricky, Brett, the Brandons, you and everyone else that takes the time to help and share their knowledge. There are too many to list. I know the website transition has left a lot to be desired with everyone, myself included, and that the time it's taking to get it where it needs to be has been beyond excessive but we will get it there and soon. Many people have been quick to pass judgement but I think they forget that it's not this place but the people in it that makes it worth coming to.

Have we made mistakes? Absolutely! Everyone involved has. You have a few people that did't have any real experience putting together a forum and a lack of funds to throw at a full blown development. After the last fiasco we decided to cease any further changes to the live site once it was back functional. Now I haven't had much contact with the developer but I have shared my input with Brett. I believe we are on the best path at the moment. By bringing in a 3rd party to handle the design of the forum we will get most of the functionality back that we are used to with forums. I say most because Tapatalk will not be available at this time. It's possible in the future something may change but currently this is what we have. But there are a whole lot of other options at will be implemented that I hope will make up for the few things that may be seen as shortcomings. Replying to subscribed threads can be done directly from the email notification without ever having to come back to the site, the same goes for PM's. It's as simple as replying to the email in whatever app you use, Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail... any of them and it will be posted Just like it would have if you did it on the site. Also, picture posting is already about as easy as it can get. In addition to that people will be able to link their Facebook pages and the content can be shared. There's so much more, I just don't want to list it all right now. It will get better, please just bear with us just a little longer.