Humane way to put down a fish?

ralph atl

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Some of the responses are rather frightening "Bash it in the head with a hammer", "Put a drill bit through it's eye", "put it in a bucket of bleach". It's like there are a bunch of serial killers in the making over there.

fwiw, freezing is the most humane...for any animal (unless you have a lethal injection you can administer). You fall asleep, go numb and never wake up.
I've heard a dip in boiling water works instantly. I've never done it, I always froze them when I had fresh water. Never had to do it to a marine fish yet.
theplatypus;208916 wrote: Some of the responses are rather frightening "Bash it in the head with a hammer", "Put a drill bit through it's eye", "put it in a bucket of bleach". It's like there are a bunch of serial killers in the making over there.

yeah, I agree! I thought we went a little too far, but they have gone "over the top"!

If it were me and I was a fish just cut my head off. Like with a meat cleaver.

One chop and it's all over with just like the Guillotine.

This does seem a little morbid.

Frozen to death doesnt sound like a great way to go...

I have always thought the Humane way would be put it to sleep with Clove Oil. Kinda like lethal injection without using Sodium Penathol
Freezing will put you to sleep. You then die while sleeping. You are numb so no pain. Eskimos use this method when they have to.
I think people are suggesting freezing thinking our physiology are the same. My understanding is that fish feel discomfort with temperature changes. Given I'm not a fish, it's hard for me to say.

I did some similar research a few weeks ago when I was going to put down one of my fish (thankfully I did not). I think clove oil is the best way if you don't have the Euthanize treatment.

I intend to order some Tricaine Methanesulfonate (TMS) from DFS.
I feel sorry for the little rat with the guy that had the python....
tebriel;209092 wrote: What reasons are there to "put a fish down"?
A really ill fish that you know will not recover.

How about a golden grain bath? I hear alcohol works similarly to the freezer method, but I read it in passing and am likely totally wrong.
In my case, I had a fairly large naso that I was sure was going to die. He hadn't eaten in about 10 days after a powerhead issue. I was worried he would die behind my rocks where i would not be able to get him. And I was going out of town for a few days, so a dead fish that size would have likely nuked my tank.

Fortunately, he was too quick for me to catch. The next day he decided to start eating and is now healthy as ever.

tebriel;209092 wrote: What reasons are there to "put a fish down"?