I am a father!!!!


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So yesterday, I do the Saturday routine of picking up frags to add to my tank. Get everything situated in there and mounted. It looks wonderful (or will when I can take rubberbands off my rocks). As I kiss my fish goodnight and turn on their night lights (they have a hard time sleeping thinking the monster in the sump is going to get them), I see my Green BTA start to move. "Umm Hello?!? Where do you think you are going?!?" He had been happy in his spot for quite some time. We have planned corals around him so maybe they can live together! I turn on the lights hoping that maybe he would settle back down. I try feeding him since it had been a bit, maybe he was just trying to get up for a midnight snack! Nothing seemed to work. Finally me and my wife got pissed and decided that we could not stop him from relocating and we will just have to see where he ended up in the morning. After a few dreams about my BTA eating everything in my tank. I wake up and rush downstairs to see where he is at. I locate him, under his rock where he started... Awsome he did not move.... "Wait a moment, how is he on top of the rock and below the rock at the same time?!? Ummm Honey, how do you feel about having two BTA?!? We have babies!!!" Looks like he moves to split and moved back. I am currently looking to make sure parent and child are doing well. I am going to try to get child to detach and bring him to the meeting to trade out if anyone wants a cute little BTA! I am a father!!!
LOL... Ya, Now you get to come back, tear it apart and get the baby out of here! You know the "royal" home that you made bigger. Ya that is where his foot is and the hole is just big enough for it. THANKS!

We do still love the new rock work though.
Sorry the morning lights are on but you can still see..
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Ya baby and parent are doing fine. I can not figure out how to get the baby to release from his hole in the rock so we can get him out of there. One BTA is more then enough. I wonder if the parent is going to split again tonight.. He is looking like it.

Stevhan does do great work.... The fish feel so Fung Shei (sp) now. They love it!
Try using an icecube and rub it near the foot of the BTA. They don't like the cold and will typically let go to relocate.

(just to cover all bases... use an icecube made from RO/DI, not tap water)
Tony, Thanks for the tip! I am going to try it now. I was trying to light deprive him by putting a coffee mug over him and see if he would move to look for more light.
ive been looking for a bta for my clowns how much do you want for that little bugger? I can pick him up at the meeting if you do want to sell him.
Stroid, If I can get him off the rock before the meeting Tuesday, he is yours! I do not want to force him off the rock because it will hurt his foot. Understand that he is a baby, he is only about 1.5-2" across. I will see if the "parent" splits again tonight and gives us a bigger baby. Do you have any frags to trade? If not, I will take $20 obo for him to buy myself some frags at the meeting. I am not really looking to make money.
I have a rather large frogspawn that is ready for fragging but ive never actually fragged something so this will be a good meeting for me. if you want that we could work something out.
Stroid, I have some spawn coming to me soon. We will work something out. ;) I am easy that way. If you want him, he is yours... He needs a good home!
Ice cube did not work... He did not like it but he did not detach! Any other bright ideas?!? :)
Ive been thinking about it and I probably am not ready for the BTA right now im not happy with my tank until I get this skimmer working the way I want it to work. Let me know when you do get it to detach and hopefully by then I will be ready for the BTA. Thanks Brandon
i've used a turkey baster aimed at the foot before. just dont suck it up.
I'd be more than willing to take the little guy. I have a 75 with 2 x 250 watt Mhs. I have a rose already, and have been dying to get another BTA. I'm in no rush, so if he decides to wander onto a smaller rick over the next week or so, that would be fine with me. On the other hand, of he's ready by the meeting i'd take him then, too. Let me know. Thanks.
Ya I am NOT moving the rock he is on... Stevhan spent too long to get things perfect for me to start moving things around! ;) Right now, I have a cup over him. I hope that he will move on his own to get more light. When I can get him off I will post to see who wants him. He is a cute little guy and my first marine baby!
I think the Green BTA is giving birth again tonight. Anyone need a baby BTA?!?