I could cry

stanfill reef

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Had a bad night last night. Was doing a water change and decided to clean the air release hole in the return pipe. Well, in the process I also loosened up the bulkhead fitting and it started to leak. I could not get it to seal again because of sand in the gasket. I then tried to unscrew the bulkhead to clean it and replace it. The nut got stuck due to sand in the threads and I ended up getting it stuck. and eventually damaged the threads trying to get it out. I was extremely frustrated. So today I plan on purchasing a new return pipe and bulkhead at lunch. I will go home tonight and use a hack saw to remove the old bulkhead, clean everything up, and install the new return. In the meantime the tank is running with a few powerheads and a bubbler. Just a little frustrating...
I feel your pain.....

I was changing out my return plumbing on my sump and I had the return hose resting against the back of my stand so the water wouldn't drain out. I went to the kitchen to get soemthing and next thing I knew my cat had knocked the return hose down and at least 4 gallons drained out of my sump onto the hardwood floors. 8 towels later and a good mopping, everything is back to normal. Hope everything works out!
flyingarmy wrote: I feel your pain.....

I was changing out my return plumbing on my sump and I had the return hose resting against the back of my stand so the water wouldn't drain out. I went to the kitchen to get soemthing and next thing I knew my cat had knocked the return hose down and at least 4 gallons drained out of my sump onto the hardwood floors. 8 towels later and a good mopping, everything is back to normal. Hope everything works out!

Ask Mark about his 900 fish he lost because of lack of filtration..... :wow2: HA what's up mang!
You had to bring that up didn't you!

Lesson learned...don't ever let a non-fish savy friend take care of your tanks while you are on vacation!!!!

Sailfin Tang
Niger Trigger
Undulated Trigger
Royal Gamma
True Percula X2
False Percula
Coral Banded Shrimp
Orange Diamond Goby
Chinese Zebra Goby
whew im sorry for your losses. I had a heater go crazy on my once in my ten gallon. I know the losses werent near as bad as yours but i Lost pair of perks and some damsels.
Most people would shut down and never look at it again. Mark has so much money it doesn't matter.... :lol2:
I have never cleaned my over flow out and am wondering how ot do it. I have the all glass kit with the whit drain pipe and am wondering if i can take that off of the bulk head and out of the over flow to clean it. Or will this mess it up??
Stanfill Reef wrote: Well, in the process I also loosened up the bulkhead fitting and it started to leak.

I'm sure it makes perfect sense, but how did you manage to loosen the bulkhead fitting while cleaning out the air hole?

It usually takes a pair of large channel locks to undo mine...


Remember... if I can break, it probably will... If it can't, it may anyway...
Everything turned out fine. I went to Petland Dunwoody and got a new bulkhead fitting. The guy in there was great and had a couple of good suggestions for removing the old one that was stuck. The one that I chose worked great. Basically I took a PVC pipe cutter and sliced it up the edges, basically cut the nut in half. Installed the new fitting and no leaks. It is good to get past the crisis.