I got so many reef safe limpets it's stupid

Maceface;1060834 wrote: I have hydroids ... Id be interested in as many as you could spare..what would you like for them? I live in Marietta, but drive right past you on weds on my way to Milledgville.

Sure bud , I'll get you fixed up .
I don't need anything for them but if your feeling generous I'd swap for a good size hermit or emerald crab or a frag of something/anything , I hoard coral . Shoot me a pm

Catgirl29;1060836 wrote: I'd love some if I can get out to you. Wouldn't be until after the holiday. I board an alpaca out in Social Circle so go right by you when I go out to the farm.

I have even ordered some of these but they arrived smelly and, well, dead - after a shipping delay.

Sure shoot me a pm when you get an idea of when you wanna get together
I have the same problem but in my DT and sump....they are all over. I had planned on asking ARC members if this is an issue but is doesn't sound like it. They are even in my skimmer. I cleaned my skimmer the other day and removed a lot. I have a 6 line in my DT but I have never seen him touch them. He can be a butt, like someone mentioned, but gets along most of the time. My big clown sets him straight when he acts up.
huskerreefatl;1060894 wrote: I have the same problem but in my DT and sump....they are all over. I had planned on asking ARC members if this is an issue but is doesn't sound like it. They are even in my skimmer. I cleaned my skimmer the other day and removed a lot. I have a 6 line in my DT but I have never seen him touch them. He can be a butt, like someone mentioned, but gets along most of the time. My big clown sets him straight when he acts up.

Awesome, want some more? We can just turn your system in to the arc hydroids therapy:shades:.
I wouldn't be surprised to find them in the skimmer , god knows there everywhere else ..
These were hitch hikers originally, and I did have some hydroids that I realize now disappeared about when these started showing up , I was unaware of the hydroid eating until recently.
My biggest problem is I can't clean the glass without knocking 50-100 off each panel and I read where they can't rite themselves without help from strong current I'm afraid of a mass die off if I knocked them all down so I've got quarter size and larger spots of coralin algae all over the acrylic. I'm ready to see my tank again
All my wrasses eat them but my large 6.5"Green Coris Wrasse (halichoeres chloropterus) that swallows them whole like I'm tossing in pellet food.
My smaller yellow coris wrasse and purple chisel tooth juvenile eat the small ones whole and eat the bigger ones out of the shell , the linespot flasher wrasse just pecks at them and spits the shells.
I'm thinking about investing in a good trap door acrylic fish trap to catch my big green guy , it would cost as much or less than another wrasse (I don't need another coris and don't really want a 6 line)
my next wrasse will be another flasher or a fairy wrasse r maybe a leopard but I'd like that wrasse to be in my DT not back room frag tank
Interesting. I will have to watch my 6 line more closely to see if it pecks on them. The larger ones are too large for him to eat whole but maybe he eats the smaller ones.

If you live anywhere near Snellville, you could borrow my acrylic fish trap. It works well. I have only used it twice and now it just sits in my equipment room.