How many gallons?
Your simple comment that 100 Nassarius snails is “a bit much” for a 65g tank. Lol. Those guys are powerhouses! ...for me, and everyone has different experience, I’d say 2-6 would be plenty for a 65g tank, especially a young tank.I would say that's a bit much. Start off with like a 10 blue legged crabs, 10 reds, 10-20 Nassarius, 1 emerald crab and 10 Astraea. Maybe a turbo if you start seeing some hair algae. I wouldn't over due it to much. You can always add more.
Are reds safe for reefs?
I never had great luck with the Nassarius with that few. But not all of us can have as pristine of tanks as you. Lol I've had great luck with the turbos though. I've got like 5 in my tank and my nutrients are close to 0.
Probably both. Lol. Mostly disturbing, with a bit of eating.Lol, yea I thought so. My tiger conch leaves a lovely white sand streak as he moves along the bottom. Is he eating the stuff or just disturbing it?
I don't understand these reef cleaner packages... the "recommended" amounts that I've seen out there seems a bit out of proportion. Seems like it would just contribute to more algae when more than half die off and you have an insane nutrient spike.
Yeah, and not just at 10-20%, but often at 100-1,000% higher than what’s needed. It’s bothersome for me that companies take advantage of beginners that don’t know any better.