I have a frag tank!


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Again, a huge thank you to @sharis100 for the frag tank. I'll be bolstering and sealing that seam tomorrow - hoping to have it up and running this coming week :D I do hope the renovations and restocking go well once you're back on your feet - again, I'll be more than happy to help you get restocked, for free of course.

Speaking of - does anyone have a few clamps that are longer than 4'? Is that even a thing? If so, I'd love to borrow them. I can pay it back with future frags :D Also, does anyone know where I can get cubic acrylic rods?

After buying seven new corals today, I definitely need the space :D Over 100 different corals in a 40gallon breeder - I've got a problem. It can only be solved with more cowbell...er, I mean more space.

Tomorrow I'm buying a 165 gallon long aquarium and stand.

Thank god I've got three more XR30s laying around. And an extra skimmer. And sump. And rock. My apartment is a hot mess right now :rolleyes:

Anyway. Thank you @bhodges82 and @FutureInterest for the corals. And again, thank you thank you thank you @sharis100 for the frag tank!!!
Now we can have a race to see who gets theirs set up first. I've had mine sitting in my basement for a few weeks and keep meaning to get it plumbed and running. Summer gets in the way of a lot of stuff around my house.
Now we can have a race to see who gets theirs set up first. I've had mine sitting in my basement for a few weeks and keep meaning to get it plumbed and running. Summer gets in the way of a lot of stuff around my house.
I've still gotta order the clamps and rods and cement. Gonna build a stand for it and my 40g long tomorrow.
I've got some large clamps at work that could maybe be borrowed. Would have to have them back by Monday evening though.
I won't have the other supplies I need by then. Home depot has some 50" ones I'm gonna pick up tomorrow :D Thank you though!!