i need help again


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I went downstairs to turn off my tank lights and to check on my new corals, and I noticed that my yellow tang has A LOT of black spots on him. I have no idea what it is ... and no idea how to treat it. I am really attached to this fish and I really want to save him... is it some thing to worry about or not, and what can i do to treat it?

PH - 8.1
ammonia- 0
nitrites- 0
and the water temp is 78.9

i googled it and it said something about black ick, I have never heard of that. and it didnt have anything about how to cure it .
they spots are about the size of a grain of salt. i have had the fish for about 4 months. and i have a 55 gallon
ok so i just put more salt water in there? And get it up to that level. what about the water temp, does that need to change??
No 78-79 degrees is good. Do you have any temp. swings during the day or does it stay pretty much around this all day?
no the temp pretty much stays the same and I am about to go get the salt level right. I will update in about an hour. I know he is healthy but it just started to twitch. I hope i can catch in time.
I agree with Barbara to do it slowly and best of luck.
I would go ahead and look into setting up a QT tank and doing some formalin dips on the tang. The problem with black ich is that the fish actually has turbellarian flatworms inside of it (if you pay close attention to the spots you can see them move) and even without a host the worms can live in your tank for months on their own.
i dont have a QT tank .. I have been wanting to do one. And I do not have a net big enough for him. Money is tight. So should I just add a little of mix tonight and then again tomorrow night. I think I am going to try to use the garlic treatment.. i hope it works too....

and It has got ick before. like 2-4 spots and i never worried about ... and then this came up ... he did not have them this morning. I just dont know how this happend. He hasnt appeared stressed. now he is twiching.
yeah he is eating just fine. no he is not laying at the bottom. he is swimming like he normally does. and he rubs agasint the rock but not alot. but i am going to add alittle bit of salt mix. and start to soak food into water. thanks all for help. I will be back on in about an hour.
Maybe we should back up really quick.
Is there any way you can get a pick of the tang and post it?
I thought my clowns came down with Black spot disease and it just turned out that they were rolling around in my zoas and getting stung. Have you noticed your tang swimming in any of your corals?
Barbara;168634 wrote: Good call. Tangs are kind of "dip sticks". My blue hippo goes by the yellow watchman goby's cave all the time and the goby comes out and nips him over and over in the side. And every time the tang just sits there and takes it. You'd think he'd make the connection after a while!
LOL, I had a green clown goby that would do the same thing to my Powder Blue. Everytime the PB would get near his SPS he would swim out and bite him and the PB would just look around like where the hell did that come from. Beautiful creatures, but I agree about them being "dip sticks".
I would hold off for right now on doing anything crazy and keep an eye on him/her tonight and tomorrow. I think you are on the right track by using the garlic.
Ok guys... slow down just for a bit... IF it is Black Ich, rasing the SG from 1.022 to 1.024 has NOTHING to do with the illness. To tell you the truth a drop in SG would be better to combat the worms (but not good for the tank as a whole).

Second, Lets get one thing straight, black ich is not related to "white spot" or Ich in any way shape or form. So do not get confused ilovesam. Garlic has yet to be proven for white ich but that is another debate, it will not do anything for black ich. So before you start making your tank smell like garlic pork, save your energy.

Third, yes a good course of treatment would be to QT the fish and to do a dip in formalin. Start your reading http://www.wetwebmedia.com/blkichcuref.htm">here</a> for other ideas. There are treatments that CAN be done in tank if the problem persists but I would only recommend them as a last resort.

Last, make sure you know what you got BEFORE just dumping stuff into your tank. You might want to start reading [IMG]http://www.wetwebmedia.com/paravortexfaqs.htm">here.</a>

I know you feel like you HAVE to do SOMETHING now, but believe me, sometimes collecting your thoughts and learning a bit will save your fish in the end.
ok... I am a little bit confused. I have ick in saltwater before and my tang is not acting like that. HE seems extremely healthy and he is eating just like before. ( actually he is a PIG ) I know I need to get a QT tank. OK.. so I am going to red up a little more and possibly call the LFS tomorrow. But What I am worried about is that this black ick is going to kill him. it scares me a little
Black Ich is not going to kill your tang (or not atleast right away.) You got time... I would not recommend asking a LFS about the issue... Most of them will not know what Black Ich is or what to do about it... Just read up as much on your own as you can and ask if you do not understand anything...
UPDATE- I have got the salt level to 1.024. I just feed him some food soaked in garlic. He is eating just fine. I have noticed that there arent as many black spots on him. He doesnt rubb up agasint the rock nearly as bad. So hopefully By tomorrow the Black Ick will be gone.
Thanks for all the help and I will update more later