i need help again

Well I went and got some seaweed strips and he will not go anywhere near it. But I think I am going to start to set up my 29 Gallon as a QT tank.. Only problem is I have No idea where to start. Do i need to do exactly like I done my tank.. ( live rick ect. )
alright thanks barbara. OK.. I am going to be setting it up in the morning. I am also going to go get some medicane for him. I will keep everyone updated, thanks
What meds are you planning on using?! Have you researched what will work or what you have?!?
I am not sure yet. I want something organic. ( no harmful chemicals. ) Any sugestions? Even something that I can put in my tank to make sure the other fish do not get it and hopefull kill the worms.
Here is a picture of her Tang that best shows the black dots near its tail fin.
alt="" />
I can see them a little bit now.. maybe someone knows what it is... lol.. and thanks for posting it for me .
There is not much "Organic" that is going to do it. It is hard to tell by that pic.. You need a closer shot... I know that is hard to do but you can not id anything there...

Seriously, Organic is not going to do anything here. It is a parasite worm if it is black ich.
alright well does anyone know anything that will treat both tanks? I dont want the other fish to get it either. my camera really sucks. and he is either hiding behind the rock or swimming way to fast.. and I cant get a good shot. lol
Does the up close photo look like this:

http://www.wetwebmedia.com/AcanthuroidPIX/TangPIX/Zebrasoma/blk%20spot%20contr.JPG" alt="" />

What other fish do you have in the tank?

If it is not spreading to your other fish could be a trematode... or a few other possibilities... including "just melanin spots"... if it hasn't expressed itself on your other fish livestock, I doubt if it's "spreading".

My only real suggestion is to a) wait and see how it progresses or b) do a formalin dip and/or Praziquantel treatment on all the fish and place them in a QT tank for a 4 week stay. The formalin dip should work. If not, then there are other solutions like a FW dip with Meth Blue and even a prescribed de-wormer. None of this is going to be able to be used in your main tank. (I have never used a de-wormer in a full blown reef tank but I assume the fall out would be pretty bad) The main tank is just going to have to run its course.

You can read more that I have writen on FW dips and QT set up [IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/wiki/Ich">here</a>. Granted I wrote that about white spot but those two sections would translate to your problem as well. In your case, I would only FW dip for 10 min or so.
While I'm pretty darn new to the hobby -- I really thought this tread took a major left turn and was not actually addressing the need. The SG is not likely to have any saving power for this Tang.

Get that sucker out and medicated.

Thanks for bringing the needed direction back on track.

yeah that looks exactly like the picture. I mean he does rubb up agaisnt the rock. but he doesnt act stressed. He is still the normal tang i bought. He is eating well also. I have the QT tank up and running.. I had to add some Ph because it was a little low. Now how long do I wait to put him in there.
Check the PH a few times and make sure that it is stable... Just a side note: you used new water to start the QT tank with right, not tank water from your display... Then you need to get yourself some formalin, follow the directions for the dip in a 5 gal bucket. Make sure you use an airstone in the dip water. After a 30-45 min dip, move the fish to the QT and check for spots. Better to treat inside the 5 gal bucket because you need less medication and you have a clean QT waiting for him when he is done. You can also use tank water for the dip, what you are going to put in there is going to kill anything that could be transfered from your display tank.

If Formalin does not work (sometimes it doesn't depending on the worm), then a FW dip is in order next.
If it is black ich isn't she going to have to keep the fish out of main tank longer than 4 weeks? I thought that these worms could live without a host for acuople of months.
ok well I did the dip and he is now in the QT tank... And Guess what no black spots. YAY. I am going to live him in there for a while.. In the mean time anyone know how to get rid of the worms in the main tank.
As long as they have host they can live (and for some time without a host). Any other fish have signs?