I need help :(

FutureInterest;38878 wrote: I doubt its your tap water start that's the cause. Afterall, this is 6 months later. I started my tank with tap water and I know many people that have and have not had any problems. For whatever reason it sounds like you're just suffering from an algae bloom or an extended algae cycle. When we use the term cycle we're usually talking about the nitrogen cycle which can be over suprisingly quickly enabling the tank to support life. However, there are a number of algae cycles that your tank will suffer through before things get better. You're going to go through a diatom cycle, perhaps cyano, and perhaps hair algae. Those are the easy to deal with algae blooms, most just require patience and diligent maintainence. There are other evil incarante algae blooms that hopefully you won't encounter, but from the sound of things that's not the case.

From the red/brwn dusting on the glass description it sounds a lot more like diatoms than cyano... Cyano doesn't typically grow in that manner... it grows more in "sheets" not "dusting". If its diatoms don't worry bout it. I recently killed off at least 100+ pineapple sponges when installing a new skimmer and now have diatoms up the whazoo. It's not a big deal, it just looks like crap on the sand and it'll take 2 months or so before the sponges grow back entirely. As they grow they will slowly soak up the silicates and eventually my sand will look as pristine as it did before I tinkered with everything. The point being is to not throw in the towel just yet, I'm sure you can work it out with patience.

I live relatively close by, one of my good friends lives in your building in fact. As such, if you want I'll be happy to swing by and take a gander and give you my opinion. If you want I'll foster your corals in my fuge, its lit with T5s and has plenty of space while your tank recovers.

Sorry, I did not read Jins post before I posted my last question... That what I get for being in a hurry.

I agree 100% with Jin here though, the CYCLE of a tanks takes ALOT longer then the 1 month that is in any book.
About 6 months, Brandon. I've gone thru a 30 gallon (40 animal) and 50 gallon (80 animal) pack of reef janitors from GARF since then. Some still survive, though it's impossible to gauge how many... The second 80 animal pack was purchased about a week or so after we had a 3-day power-loss (about 2 or 3 months ago), about a week before I got the RO/DI unit...

Which, come to think of it, at least I bought that with all my own money, so if nothing else it will come with me when we move out... So I'll have an RO/DI at least. :unsure:
Yeah, I know the cycle takes a lot longer than that, I just want to save the coral animal(s) if I can while I wait for everything else to stabilize and figure out what the issues remaining are. Everything else SEEMS to be ok, but I'll leave that to the judgement of those more experienced than I.

If you find yourself in the area again, you're welcome to come by. I'll be working tomorrow from about 2 or 3 until 8 or 9 pm, but I'll be home all weekend otherwise. If you want, I'll be happy to PM you my contact info.

Thanks again everyone! Rep points added for everyone who has responded thus far.
A lots could change in 3 month. Worst come to worst you could get a cheap, but good tank from another reffer
Yeah, tho I hate the thought of all the effort and investment I've made in this one just going away or even worse going to waste... It may be as well to start all over anyway; I've learned a lot by experience, and even more from the people here at ARC. No way I'm going to let my membership go to waste, but oi, I'm just not looking forward to starting all over again... and I'll REALLY need a new job if I'm going to take on the investment all to myself.
siege;38859 wrote: I have coralife 2x96w PC's, one actinic, the other 10kK.

I am in Park Towers, the taller of the two towers, across 400 from the Concourse (King and Queen) buildings.

Bryan - I believe it is cyano... a light reddish-brown dusting on the glass. I have not, however, used chemi-clean at any point.

At this point, I think I'm going to have to get as many of the inverts and sensitive/delicate animals out of my tank and do a 100% water change. I think I must still be fighting problems from all the non-RO/DI water I started the tank with.

Hey I'm also in Tower 2. I've only had salt water tanks for about a year but I'm so close maybe I could take a look. I happen to have some Red Slime Remover stuff that I got from Cap. Bay but never used because as soon as I bought it, my hermit crab started eating the algae. Anyways, you're welcome to it if you think it will help.
I've got a 120g with not much more than a purple tang and flame angel...maybe something can be worked out if you need a temp. home for your animals.
Let me know.
I checked it out yesterday. Its a nice setup, but unfortunately it turns out he has a pretty bad bryposis infestation... Now that he knows what he has it should turn around quickly with diligence.
FutureInterest is too kind, and does our tank too much credit, but we're trying - a million thanks to him for taking the time out of his very busy schedule to come visit and offer his very excellent advice/analysis on my setup; You're a scholar and a gentleman, good sir.

I just got home from rescuing Wolfie's rabbitfish from his sump, so hopefully he'll do a good number on the bryopsis... Now I just need to finalize an easy way to hook up this fuge, and I should be on a path to recovery.
My pleasure. Let me know when the rabbit gets your bryopsis under control and I'll be happy to frag you a few things that I'm fairly confident it won't munch on.