I need some help with sps

heathlindner25;803084 wrote: they talk a lot about stray voltage on Rc, just a thought.

sorry, but stray voltage is a myth...it can't stray...

if you have a short, stand in a bucket of water, and stick your hand in tank...that will tell you right way! lol....

seariously, you can out one end of a voltmeter in tank and other grounded....that would tell you if a piece of equipment has a short.

Your parems need to be "spot on" for a "time" (depending upon how far drifted, current parems, and trype and origination of coral before they recover.)

Make sure Alk stays there (close), 24-7...7 days a week, etc....

mysterybox;803132 wrote: sorry, but stray voltage is a myth...it can't stray...

If you have a short, stand in a bucket of water, and stick your hand in tank...that will tell you right way! Lol....

Seariously, you can out one end of a voltmeter in tank and other grounded....that would tell you if a piece of equipment has a short.

Your parems need to be "spot on" for a "time" (depending upon how far drifted, current parems, and trype and origination of coral before they recover.)

make sure alk stays there (close), 24-7...7 days a week, etc....
It has been 3 good weeks and params are stable.
Sal 1.027
Ph 8.2-8.45
Nitrate 0.02
Mag 1350
Ca 430
Dkh 9.0

By looking at the water chemistry everything looks great. Fish are all fat and happy. Red cyano is completely gone.

My corals tell a different story. Very little if any poly ext. zoas cupped up. Hammer corals look withered. Slow atn on some sps.I just can't figure out what is going on. Could I be now starving my corals?

Anything else I could be looking for/ doing?

At my wits end.

Can't be stray voltage as I have no electronic things in my display. Only vortechs.

Any help would be great.
Have you looked for Redbugs? If your water is great and you still aren't getting SPS polyps you might have a critter messing things up. Also are you sure the trigger is not nipping when you're not looking?
What sort of lighting cycle are you running???? I did not see that mentioned earlier in the thread.

I run actinics from 12pm till 11 pm and halides from 2 pm til 8 pm.

Edit: Does too much light make zoas cup?
mysterybox;803132 wrote:
seariously, you can out one end of a voltmeter in tank and other grounded....that would tell you if a piece of equipment has a short.

I would bet money that if I did that in your tank I would get a voltage reading even if you are certain you have no faulty equipment.
What kind of reflectors are you running your 400w's in?..how far off the water surface??

Over my 90gl I am running 2 x 400w in<span style="color: #000000"> Coralvue Lumen Bright Large Pendant on old school magnetic ballats. The bulbs are at 20" from water surface. First one comes on at 5:00pm then second on at 6:30, first off at 1:00am then second off at 2:30am. I don't run any supplemental lighting, only the halides.
Not really into that real blue look.

The growth in my tank is insane.

Just thought I would throw that out there.

Well just tested my tank and sump for voltage got nothing so that's not the issue.

Lumenmax elite reflectors about 12 inches above water. I have been running this setup for about a year and a half. Corals looked great until this summer.

Trigger does not nip anything but my fingers.
Always important to keep an eye on nitrates.... Water changes help there and I've used macrobacter with great success before to resolve nitrate spikes. Gfo (but keep it changed out and not tumbling over vigorously) will help with phosphates... Alk has affected my zoas too....
I had the same issues with my SPS. I started dosing Prime and Stability and saw a huge improvement. Don't know if it would help you or not but couldn't hurt. I am putting prime in every 48 hrs and stabilty in every 7 days. I will be stopping the prime here in the next week. I am hoping that I'll continue to see improvements.. Good luck and keep us posted
Well update. Parameters all staying steady.
Coral mostly look unchanged zoas still cupped and sps still drawn up.
Some are extending polyps a little more however not like before this happened.
The surface of some sps have gone from a smooth texture to a lot more spikey looking appearance it looks like they are actually altering their skeletons to adapt to something.
Anybody got any ideas what is going on?

this also happened about the time I changed my radiums. Could they be faulty or something? When I changed the lights I backed them down a few hours for a few weeks so I didn't think they were shocked by new bulbs.
Well, with several crossed fingers and some wood knocking I think I have gotten my coral problem fixed. I have just left it alone for about two months and let the calcium reactor run and only keep up with water changes and for some reason my corals have turned around.

I have great polyp ext. now with new growth coming up daily.

I think my problem was a twofold issue.
First In June i replaced my radiums even though I backed down the hours, may have not been enough. My corals kind of freeked out resulting in closed polyps and general stress. This may have contributed to my cyano outbreak and with the death of a fish I had the perfect storm.

then the real problem began with the too much internet seaching and thinking my levels such as ALK were too low. So I dosed from a 8.5 up to around 9.5 and 10.
This really freeked everything out bad. So my corals reacted badly.

Over the past several months I have left my tank alone with the dosing and just let the levels come slowly back down. My corals made some slow recovery. I think the aging of the light bulbs helped out some too. The corals came back with much smaller polyps and many more of them and thicker and courser in structure.. kind of strange. but now have full polyp extension and color is coming back a little at a time. some of my SPS looks totally different now than it did before but all looks happy again.
My red planet went from a greenish body with red polyps to a red body with green polyps and my lemmonade is now florecent blue with pink polyps weird.