I need some symbiotic ideas

linda lee

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Setting up a nano this weekend in my son's biology class. The theme is going to be symbiotic relationships.

I've already thought of:

1) clowfish/anemone

2) pistol shrimp/goby

3) pom pom crab (but can't have this if I have the pistol; pistol would eat him, right?)

Any other suggestions for fish, inverts, corals? I want as many as possible, but all must be able to co-exist in a 12 gallon cube.
Glue an anemome to a hermit crab... i think it happens in nature but the glue just expedites teh process >.< (P.S I am not responsible for what i say)
Don't tuxedo urchins attach stuff to their shells? Just a thought...

Neon gobies provide cleaning services similar to cleaner shrimp.

Pretty much any zoas, as their color/nutrients come from the zooxanthellae algae.
id say mantis shrimp/emerald crab is the most symbiotic relationship :) one eats the other... along with everything else in the tank
Carty;280617 wrote: id say mantis shrimp/emerald crab is the most symbiotic relationship :) one eats the other... along with everything else in the tank

Hmmmm.... with symbiosis being described as *mutually benefical*, I'd have to wonder what the mithrax gets out of that relationship...

Symbiotic relationships can be
1) mutualistic- both organisms benefit
2) commensalistic- one benefits and the other is not affected
3) parasitic- one benefits and one is harmed....

If you are looking for mutualistic, I would say cleaner shrimp/fish and anemone/clownfish. Perhaps the most important mutualistic relationship is zooxanthellae/coral. This could not be directly observed, though, without using microscopes.

Did they get the tank set-up yet? Are the kids loving it? :)