I Tested a New Batch of Water Made With Fritz Blue Box

I had three partial bottles of Hanna Alkalinity reagent about a month ago of various ages when I was cleaning out my cabinet. I poured all three together and got the same results as a brand new bottle. I do tend to shake my bottles lightly before use, but I don't know if it does anything.
This bottle was off by quite a bit from the time I opened it up. I used it almost daily to try and figure out why my alk was so hard to pin down. At the end of the bottle now and I see weird schmutz in the vial. I can tell of it's in the dropper or precipitate. Seems pretty clear the bottle is bad.
@joeyprice i agree with your findings. The point I was trying to make is that I don’t think we know how the reagent goes bad and only our shared collective experiences will provide enough data to draw the right conclusions. Whether it’s a bad batch straight from Hanna, age, exposure to air, storage temperatures, or something else.
I've had similar problems with Hannah Alk and Calcium reagents. Since I have a Trident, I'm not testing manually very often, and I find that when I do the tests are unreliable with older Hannah reagent bottles that have been open for a while, even tough they are still within the expiration date. I think this is one of the reasons that Neptune advises to just throw out any leftover Alk reagent after 30 days.