I think I have a sick goby

I'm gonna get the little dude, he had me worried I did something wrong. lol

I just saw him with his head poked out of an exit from the shrimp's burrow. So he lives lol.

I think the shrimp caved in his home on accident or something and the goby couldn't get back in. but all is good for now.
Yup, saw him out after I got back from school and Blue planet to get the Yellow Wrasse. Its pretty in my tank too :)
Glad he is ok...you will love the yellow wrasse.....i love to watch mine dive in/out of the sand. Pretty cool fish.
My ywg hid in my chaeto ball for over a year in 24/7 lighting. I was harvesting it and a big yellow thing was squirming around, so I put him in my tank. He's fine now that he gets more than just pods. :yuk:
This was after he went missing for a few days.

They're resilient.
Yup, I'm just glad is he back in the whole. i see a lot more of the shrimp rather than the goby and shrimp. kind of weird. the yellow coris wrasse is hiding in the sand at the moment. I wish he would hurry up and come out so I can see his pretty self. :)
my coris hides as soon as the lights are out.....about 6:30pm he is gone for the night...back up at about 7:30am
Same with my watchman. As soon as it's night, he ducks into the shrimp cavern and stays there for the night.
Like right after I posted that message he popped out of the sand so i was in awe watching him :D i saw him pick a flatworm right of the glass, i was like yes, I have a winner lol

My aurora comes and goes I guess, I thinks its a female, like that time of month thing or pms or whatever. lol

Gosh, I think i am in love with wrasses now. I think my fish selection is going to be wild to watch then when i fill it up with corals, might even be ToTM material