I think I screwed up already.

Why is everything so over analized here? The rock is fine dont worrie about it just don't expect anything to be alive in the rock if you just used reg water (no salinity)...I laugh everytime i see this...I have a ton of SPS and other stuff in my tank...The only thing i test for is salinity when i do a water change i add no chemicals no cal no nothing...i use ocieanic salt and do a water change every three weeks (20 gal in a 95 gal system)...I have great growth...keep your hands out of the water do water changes and leave it alone...There isn't going to be enough copper in your wel water to worrie about....jeeeeeeezzzzz
jeep9783;275609 wrote: There isn't going to be enough copper in your wel water to worrie about....jeeeeeeezzzzz

+1 - what you did was no worse than using tap water as for your water makeup. People do it all the time. I think the articles referenced were discussing getting copper out of a system after dosing it with copper to cure parasites.