I think my coral is dying

As of this morning they were still alive. The Xenia is looking sparse but at least morving. The Kenya tree did perk up some. I am regulating the lights a little better. I will leave them on a little longer starting tomorrow.
My Kenya tree did the same thing for 3 months before i traded it out. Everything in my tank stayed the same too. The lights shouldn't hurt them too much unless they're placed dead on the top. I've gotten things from people with PCs and put the corals directly under my 400w and they're fine. Add carbon to absorb anything weird that might be in your tank, that should take care of everything if you already did a water change
Carbon should definitely help if chemical warfare is a problem. I've heard that leather corals (including kenya trees and colts) will engage in chemical warfare, releasing chemicals that will harm each other.
Kenya looking better last night. At least it is upright. The Xenia is a lot smaller. (about 3 inches or the same size when I got it) It is moving - good sign.

Should I spot feed these 2? Is feeding snow 1-2 times a week enough?
<span style="color: black;">The xenia will probably take a little longer to stretch out again. It normally stretches out more if it's placed in a area where it doesn't received much light. The new lights are providing enough light so it doesn't need to extend. If it's the stalk you received from me, it was only about 2"-2 1/2" in my tank under my halides. The tank it was in before, it was about 3"-4".</span>
yeah was from you Showtime. Was looking good then started to fade. Looks like it may be making a recovery.
I just tested for Iodine - did not see any significant result using Seachem test. (was clear) Is is possible there is NO iodine in the water? I use Oceanic and thought that was already in the salt.
OK I must really be doing something wrong. I started over again and used the reference solution (the one to test to see if the test is working) and it did not turn blue. I can not be this dense.

Does anyone have the Seachem Iodine/Iodide test (75 tests)? If so can you give me any pointers. I CAN read and I can even understand the pictures :eek: so I guess I am having a Blonde moment and can not figure this out.
My kenya's do that from time to time. Dont know why, but they do and always bounce back...so, I don't question it. How would I feel if someone kept screwing with my surroundings every time I decided to take a day off and just chill? :lol:

If I were you, I would just wait and see. If all else fails, I'll give you a Kenya frag :)