I took the plunge (finally)!


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Hey everyone (again, lol),

I finally paid my dues and joined up!:yay: I have been tagging along many threads and posting my thoughts for a while now (hopefully didn't cause too much indigestion or headaches:). My name is Bill Musselwhite, and I am getting 'wet' in the hobby again, after having my tanks in dry dock (125 & 150). I have had aquariums since I was 10, and I set up my first salt tank in 1973. Boy have things changed! I grew up in Florida, worked in several fish stores, and studied Aquatic Ecology and Biology, earlier on. I have learned a lot along the way, I think. I'm always happy to share what might benefit others, and hope that you will all help me continue to learn, as well. I have worked as a Scientist and Engineer, most of my career. I really like to use those skills to help solve problems. In other words, I'm a real 'gearhead', and love technology! If there is anything you think I might be able to help with, then please, just ask! I think everyone on here has been great, and I'm incredibly impressed with the collective knowledge represented on ARC. Many of your tanks are awe inspiring! I look forward to learning more about our community, your interests and hopefully your systems as well. Thanks!
howdy partner, you said your tanks are dry, check into the power buy coming up ,i think we have ourselves of a new build trend!!!!!
Another one bites the dust, Bill ;)

Just kidding folks - Bill is a good customer of mine.

Welcome, Bill. I've been very impressed with your knowledge and desire to share it with others. I have learned a lot and I know others have as well, so thanks.