I want a Refugium need help building


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So I want to make a CHEAP refugium for my 75 gallon. I have two Maxi Jet 400's that I think I could use as pumps. I think I would use a ten gallon tank. What I am asking is when I put a Maxi Jet in my sump to bring the water to the Refugium it fills up the refugium faster than the return Maxi Jet can empty the water back into the sump. Are Maxi Jet 400's powerful enough for a ten gallon fuge? Thanks!
Hey, Bryan, I'll help you out. Since you have all that space, I'd recommend getting a larger second-hand tank. A 30 gal would be a nice size, or at least a 20. And the easiest way to plumb it is to have one pump supplying water at one end and an overflow returning water to your sump at the other. The overflow, however, will require either a hold drilled in the side of the tank or a HOB type overflow.
I agree with wbholwell. Definitely want gravity (overflow) and one pump. If you rely on a pump to fill and a pump to return, you could easily cause a flood if one failed. Also, make sure you sump can hold enough extra water in case of the pump failing (power outage, clog, etc.).

burdundi;38471 wrote: I agree with wbholwell. Definitely want gravity (overflow) and one pump. If you rely on a pump to fill and a pump to return, you could easily cause a flood if one failed. Also, make sure you sump can hold enough extra water in case of the pump failing (power outage, clog, etc.).


Ya two pumps do not work well. I learned that years ago the very hard way. Too hard to match the flow perfect. Either drill a bulkhead between the two tanks (Sump and Fuge) or do one pump and an overflow.
I have a similar situation, i have 1 MJ 400 in sump pumping water into fuge. There is a bulkhead about 3/4's of the way up, and from the bulkhead there is pvc routed back to the sump through another bulkhead - works great
Ditto on what has been said. Running two pumps is a recipe for disaster. You will have to run an overflow or bulkhead in the fuge to do it correctly. Gravity will self regulate the flow back into the sump based on the water pressure in the fuge. If you run 2 pumps for the fuge, there is no way to regulate the flows, and you will inevitably end up with a flooded or empty fuge.

Building your fuge should be simple. Buy a 10G tank. Drill a bulkhead fitting into one corner of the tank about 3/4 the height of the tank. You might have to elevate the fuge above the maximum water level that the pump is in. Then simply pump water into the fuge, and it should return via gravity feed to the sump when the water level reaches the bulkhead height. Buy a cheap PC light and you're good to go. You can get some free chaeto from someone here on the forums. That's it! Pretty simple! :up:
Alright, Well, I didn't really think about the gravity return lol. Duh! I think I am going to use either my 29 gallon or my 20 gallon. Bryan, If you don't mind helping me out I would give you that Monti for free in exchange for your services. I just want someone to supervise me lol.
Hey Maroon,

If you are using an existing tank for your refugium, I would try this for your baffles:


I haven't tried it yet, but I am planning to add one more baffle to my sump and this looks pretty easy.

Hope that helps,

Thank you, That does help a lot. What I need to do now is look for some overflow Ideas now. Anyone have any plans or ideas for me?
Do you really need baffles for a fuge? I don't think so.

I would think the only thing you need is a sponge or plastic guard on the bulkhead so that macroalgae couldn't clog the outlet of the fuge.
Maroons16;38557 wrote: What I need to do now is look for some overflow Ideas now. Anyone have any plans or ideas for me?

Just drill a hole and install a bulkhead fitting. They run about 5 bucks. Surely someone here has a hole saw you could borrow or they would drill for you. Or just take it to Cap Bay. I think they drill holes for 10 bones.
Yeah, Considering there wouldn't be much flow in there anyways because the pump is only a Maxi 400.
CGill311, sorry for the confustion, Baffle is the wrong word. I would use the baffle to provide a chamber for the return pump in case the overflow to the fuge is clogged, it won't pump all the water out of the fuge. Sorry for the confusion. I probably would still add a baffle or 2 to keep microbubbles down, but not necessary.

neat link you got there andy, thanks for posting that....I'm about to make the baffels in my sump and didnt haave any glass pannels, guess I'll give this a try and see how it works out.
I think the Macro would take care of the Bubbles. Plus it is going back into the sump and the sump has a bunch of sponges in it.
burdundi;38577 wrote: CGill311, sorry for the confustion, Baffle is the wrong word. I would use the baffle to provide a chamber for the return pump in case the overflow to the fuge is clogged, it won't pump all the water out of the fuge. Sorry for the confusion. I probably would still add a baffle or 2 to keep microbubbles down, but not necessary.


The MJ400 pump should be located in the sump pumping water into the fuge. There should be no pump in the fuge itself. Water drains via the bulkhead outlet back into the sump. If you set up the fuge as I described, there's no way you could empty it below the inlet and outlet levels.

If you want to get fancier, drill 2 holes in the fuge tank for 2 bulkheads: one inlet and one outlet. Then you can run some lokline or whatever to design your inlet flow to suit your needs.
Yeha What I meant was that the MJ 400 that will be pumping water into the fuge isn't powerful enough to need baffles to slow the water movement down.
Maroons16;38589 wrote: Yeha What I meant was that the MJ 400 that will be pumping water into the fuge isn't powerful enough to need baffles to slow the water movement down.

Sounds good Maroon. Can't wait to see some pics ;)

I am thinking of doing the Durso Standpipe but I do not know how big of a hole I will need?