Ich sucks


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So I have it ICH been rearranging some things in my sump for a QT tank. My powder brown started to get ich a few days ago and after a little research Im putting my QT together.

My sump has a pretty large section in part of it so I turned off the drain into the QT area and moved out the rubble rock into the other side of the sump. I started to catch a few starting with the powder brown and the cleaner shrimp and adding them to the new area.

I also have the rest of them to catch and add into the QT as well including my clowns which will miss there nem for the next 10 weeks:sad:.....

Im going to get a hang on filter for the QT and I already added some of the LR and PVC for some hiding spots. The only worry I have is the manderine which I added some LR for him but I dont know if he can handle 10 weeks with limited food. Ideas anyone on that.

Besides my worry's about high nitrates and not having a skimmer on the area is a concern. I should have been more careful hard lesson being learned here:shout::shout::shout::doh::doh::doh:... Im looking into meds for the ICH and wanted a few ideas on what people use my main display will be fishless until this is resoved. By the way Im looking for a more organic med if possible I hate to add chemicals.
Thanks man I just cant imagine my tank fishless for that long... I also am going to start your picture soon I will PM you.
I haven't had a problem with ick in ages. Mainly because I maintain very limited fish (I pronounced my 65g "full" with two clowns and a wrasse).

You forget the best approach to treat these things when years go by when you han't had to deal with it. I'm following this thread to see of others suggestions, just so I'll know when/if a problem springs up with my upcoming tank move....
Hey let my mistakes help everyone else out. I should have QT my last fish but I didnt And wont mention where it was purchased but live and learn the powder brown is swimming around pretty happy right now, hopefully hes feeling better soon. Its funny though none of the other fish are showning signs of ich. Im am still going to QT every fish.
blu_devl_06;363786 wrote: I had a sailfin I bought to put in my personal tank. Popped ich immediately, but still active and ate well, I left things alone, overfed, and it disapeared quickly. I did not bother to QT him, as ich is brought on by stress, especially in tangs, and none of the other fish were showing signs. I did not want to add aditional stress. This is one of the things many will disagree on me with, but that's how I did it, and everything was fine.

I've often wondered how advantagous it was to dip a seemingly healthy Tang, knowing that they stress easily... Seems like it could do more damage than good.
Dakota9;363790 wrote: I've often wondered how advantagous it was to dip a seemingly healthy Tang, knowing that they stress easily... Seems like it could do more damage than good.
+1 Dakota...Every time i see sick fish short following is a dip and qt move...Very stressfull...Much eaiser to use garlic and mysis for a couple days before moving fish and dipping
Why are you moving them? If it is to treat them in a Hospital Tank with stuff you can't treat in the display, then I wouldn't use any part of the sump since you would not be able to use it again for anything else depending on the treatment. Luckily I've not had to deal with Ich so far but it seems like you would have a better chance getting them through it in the display. Like others have said, their stress level would be a lot less leaving them in the display.
Budsreef;363796 wrote: Why are you moving them? If it is to treat them in a Hospital Tank with stuff you can't treat in the display, then I wouldn't use any part of the sump since you would not be able to use it again for anything else depending on the treatment. Luckily I've not had to deal with Ich so far but it seems like you would have a better chance getting them through it in the display. Like others have said, their stress level would be a lot less leaving them in the display.


Also, there is a lot of misunderstanding here. Ich is a parasite- a free living organism that "attaches" to a host, and causes the host harm by living off it's body and life systems. As such, it is present or not. No matter how stressful an environmnet may be, if ich is not present, a fish cannot contract it. Stress certainly seems to make fish unable to defend themselves from it naturally, but this is not the cause.

IMHO, I would NEVER EVER EVER not quarantine a fish.
jmaneyapanda;363802 said:

Also, there is a lot of misunderstanding here. Ich is a parasite- a free living organism that "attaches" to a host, and causes the host harm by living off it's body and life systems. As such, it is present or not. No matter how stressful an environmnet may be, if ich is not present, a fish cannot contract it. Stress certainly seems to make fish unable to defend themselves from it naturally, but this is not the cause.
William, on the home page, LOOK on right side where is says "popular tags" CLICK on "ICH"! There's about 20 or so threads for ya.
Budsreef;363796 wrote: Why are you moving them? If it is to treat them in a Hospital Tank with stuff you can't treat in the display, then I wouldn't use any part of the sump since you would not be able to use it again for anything else depending on the treatment. Luckily I've not had to deal with Ich so far but it seems like you would have a better chance getting them through it in the display. Like others have said, their stress level would be a lot less leaving them in the display.

I have been looking into organic meds without some of the harmfull additives combined with hyposalinty. I dont think the two combined are going to hurt part of the sump.
mysterybox;363842 wrote: William, on the home page, LOOK on right side where is says "popular tags" CLICK on "ICH"! There's about 20 or so threads for ya.

I will take a look there I didnt even know it was there. Thanks.
They are saying it is in your system now and putting it in your fuge would cause them to fall off and stay in the system. Closing that section off completely will still be a bugger to clean when the fish seems healthy again. Since it is in your display I would treat that. If you are talkin organic like Chem Marin or something it will fry anything without scales like a mandain because it is pretty much pepper sauce that makes the fish grow more mucas to protect them. I would treat the display. If not a 20gal high kit is only around 70 bucks and comes with everything. Just add a piece of base rock to give it somewhere to hide. 10g from your tank and 10g new water. Slowly bring the salinity down.
if ya want organic use garlic in some mysis and that will more than likely do the trick in 2-3 days...this is all i have ever used
Not trying to be argumnetative, but garlic does absolutely nothing. There is no organic, reef safe treatment, that will eliminate the parasite without killing invertebrates too.

Personally, Im not scared by ick. My fish have had it, and Im sure its floating around in my tank. However, I feed my fish heavily, and provide clean water, so they rarely, if ever display any symptoms whatsoever.
man i feel your pain my regal tang gets ich everytime i do a water change and i just leave him alone and it gets better and goes away i talked to someone and they said it could be that my water i do my water change with may be few degress off from the tank or ph may be off or something small like that.... it sucks
Will, I would leave them in your display. Your display is a much more stable and conforting environment than the QT/Hospital tank.

1. First thing to do is reduce the stress; stress will only make it worse. Start by turning off the lights in the tank. This will give the fish some time to "rest" and hide.

2. Water change, water change, water change. Do some wc's to get your water quality in check.

3. Feed, feed, feed. To do this step, you will need step #2 :) Make sure the fish are being fed multiple times a day and are eating. The stronger the fish, the more capable it will be in fighting off the ich by itself.

4. Patience. Doing any drastic will only make matters worse. Just sit back and wait now, monitoring the fish.
