Ich sucks

This was copied from marinefish-uk

her are some of the foods that use garlic in there foods now is garlic good or bad ? i have been looking on diffrent web sites and forums but one person will say its good and one will say its bad hrer are the Ingredients for one fish food
  Shrimp, Euphasia pacifica plankton, sardine, wheat flour, squid, fish eggs, soya-lecithin, Spirulina, salmon oil, garlic, minerals (potassium iodide, iron oxide, manganese sulfate, magnesium oxide, zinc sulfate), MPAXTM (Marine Protein Amino eXtract: fish meals, hydrolysates, select amino acids (L-Lysine, DL-Methionine, L-Trytophan)), vitamins (ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Vitamin B12, nicotinic acid, riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), Betaine, calcium propionate, potassium sorbate, ethoxyquin, carotenoid pigments (astaxanthin, canthaxantin), yeast (Beta-glucan).
this is what new life spectrum said

The subject of using garlic in fish food seems to come up quite often, with some hobbyists suggesting that
the main reason that fish food manufacturers use this ingredient is strictly to enhance palatability of the food.
In many cases this may be true, but with NLS foods, particularly the TherA formula, the reason for such a large inclusion rate is due to garlics anti-parasitic qualities. When used in larger quantities, this raw ingredient can be expensive, hence the reason why most manufacturers skimp on the amount of garlic that they use.
This is not the case with New Life Spectrum foods.

Also, during times of stress or illness a fishes immune system is weakened, and the TherA will also help boost the immune system due to its higher rate of highly digestible protein & fat.

All New Life Spectrum® products also contain a generous inclusion rate of Garlic (Allium Sativum) with the Thera-A formulas containing a mega-dose of this natural anti-parasitic ingredient.also here is what some one said on a forum No garlilc doesn't help. It can cause lesions in the heart and liver of the fish. and some one else
__________________Garlic will have an adverse effect on the blood of fish within a week (and there is no evidence that it cures white spot or is an immunostimulant). i have also emailed Ocean nutrition and New life spectrum to see what they think but what do you think?????????????????????????????????????

Not trying to cause a debate but this can all relate back to the old MH is better the T5 etc etc
I am guessing you got that froma site that promotes NLF, if not from NLF site itself. The eco-aqualizers website says it eliminates the need for water changes, so that must be true, right?

I will dig up my information when I get home tonight. Garlic doesnt do squat for controlling parasites- scientifically.
Heres a good first step:

No, garlic doesn't control parasites. It is, however, full of vitamins and is just good for the fish in general. It might also entice a picky eater to eat a little more. Garlic contributes to the overall health of the fish, and a healthy fish is more able to fight off ich.I think that this is why so many people have recommended feeding garlic supplements, not because they think it will kill parasites on it's own.
seamonkeychar;363991 wrote: No, garlic doesn't control parasites. It is, however, full of vitamins and is just good for the fish in general. It might also entice a picky eater to eat a little more. Garlic contributes to the overall health of the fish, and a healthy fish is more able to fight off ich.I think that this is why so many people have recommended feeding garlic supplements, not because they think it will kill parasites on it's own.
+1...I am not saying that it cures anything...A fish that isn't eating dosen't have a high immune system...A fish that is has the strength and energy to fight it off...Hintz garlic inticing fish to eat along with the food now you have a fish that is stronger and able to fight off ich...now if everyone is fighting it of due to boasted immune system then ich is less likely to host a fish...

Stress lowers a fish's immune system...So me personally i don't take a fish out of its home and in to an unfamiliar place b/c this causes stress unless you have exausted all other possibilities...Garlic dosn't harm fish regardless of what people say or think (speaking of fishies livers etc) b/c i have used it since i first started keeping a reef tank and i have never had an out break

this is how it pertains to humans and the immune system
jmaneyapanda;363944 wrote: Not trying to be argumnetative, but garlic does absolutely nothing. There is no organic, reef safe treatment, that will eliminate the parasite without killing invertebrates too.

Personally, Im not scared by ick. My fish have had it, and Im sure its floating around in my tank. However, I feed my fish heavily, and provide clean water, so they rarely, if ever display any symptoms whatsoever.

+1 again

garlic might help with their immune system, but it does nothing other than that possability. The cysts wi fall off on their own as the parasite starts a new cycle.
Again, I dont want to be argumentative, so I will make my last stament here. Of course, having your fish eat is important. Whether they have ich or not, thats important.

IMO, comparing the effects of garlic on a human, a freshwater fish, an alien, whatever, is a moot argument. There are fish the subsist of copraphagy (eating the feces of other fish). Does this mean that other fish are unhealthy if they dont eat that? That is a closer consideration than stating the correlation between the effects of garlic on humans vs. fish. Sure, garlic has some vitamins in it, but so does the proper diet, or selcon, or whatever else.

Despite all this, garlic really shows no properties in and of themselves that would indicate it is a good resolution to the ailments associated with ich. No more than good food and clean water, at least.


I've been using Selcon for years, which ibelieve helped my yellow tang (giwven away), and my royal gramma (also given away) stay fat, colorful, and healthy. That is good stuff.
I have ich as well now :(

I wanted to know if anybody knows how large the free swimming ich are? I have noticed that my butterfly is "cleaning" the ich off my tang and puffer, so was wondering once it dettaches from the host will the butterfly and/or tang be able to see and eat them in the water colum?
Skriz;363967 wrote: Will, I would leave them in your display. Your display is a much more stable and conforting environment than the QT/Hospital tank.

1. First thing to do is reduce the stress; stress will only make it worse. Start by turning off the lights in the tank. This will give the fish some time to "rest" and hide.

2. Water change, water change, water change. Do some wc's to get your water quality in check.

3. Feed, feed, feed. To do this step, you will need step #2 :) Make sure the fish are being fed multiple times a day and are eating. The stronger the fish, the more capable it will be in fighting off the ich by itself.

4. Patience. Doing any drastic will only make matters worse. Just sit back and wait now, monitoring the fish.


I have everything back to normal today with the powder brown in the DT and the lights off for a few hrs extra. Im skimming very wet and do regular weekly water changes that Im going to bump up a nothch.

I will update everyone as I go. I also found this but am not using it.

Kordon- IchAttack 100% Organic
Im not sure how much truth is in it but you never know.
Good luck William! Please let us know if you have any success with that product. MY gut would say "no", but I'm pulling for a "yes"!
texhorns98;364417 wrote: Good luck William! Please let us know if you have any success with that product. MY gut would say "no", but I'm pulling for a "yes"!

Im not acually using the product but its something I found... Was looking for the same feed back.
I'll be heading your way later... all still good?
If you think getting Sandie's done may not happen, let me know if you can start it, and then if so I'll see if she wants to come or just do it another day.
Good deal.

Don't waste your time with the kordon product; it's garbage.

WILLIAM1;364368 wrote: I have everything back to normal today with the powder brown in the DT and the lights off for a few hrs extra. Im skimming very wet and do regular weekly water changes that Im going to bump up a nothch.

I will update everyone as I go. I also found this but am not using it.

Kordon- IchAttack 100% Organic
Im not sure how much truth is in it but you never know.[/QUOTE]