Ick infestation ... HELP


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Guys i bought a Fox Face for the Aviarium, and now the fish has white spots on his hole body, I 90% sure is Ick, how can I treat this and shold I call the aviarium???
The treatment will demage my lifestock???
My coral are in risk?
Ps: the 10% is traying to be positive.:unsure:

Please help
Please call the Avarium & speak to the manager and let him know the situation. There are a few posts on here about the fish having ICH at the Avarium.
You must have a hospital tank and treat all fish whether they show any signs or not. I have found that it has done me no good to say a fish is sick so saying nothing and dipping and treating is the 100% way to go IMHO.


There are only two proven methods for the treatment of Marine "Ich", copper and hyposalinity. Neither method can be used in the presence of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) or invertebrates and so treatment must be performed in a quarantine or hospital tank. Hyposalinity is the preferred treatment as it is not dangerous to the fish and actually eases osmotic stress on the fish. Hyposalinity can also be performed in the presence of calcareous substrates.
For a more detailed description of hyposalinity, please see: http://www.petsforum.com/personal/trevor-jones/hyposalinity.html"><span style="color: #0000ff;">Hyposalinity</span></a>.
Copper is toxic to both fish and invertebrates and must be used with care. As calcium carbonate absorbs copper, copper cannot be used in tanks with calcareous substrates, such as coral sand or shell grit, or with coral decorations. Copper should not be used in the presence of invertebrates or elasmobranchs. Copper is not very stable in sea water and the levels must be continuously monitored.
no, you take the fish out of the take and isolate him so he is the only one going through hyposalinity.
That's where the quarantine tank or hospital tank comes into play.
well if you get the fish that is sick out, and QT it hopefully you can avoid it spreading to other fish.
I am not completely sure, but if you do choose to use copper, make sure you do some research because not all fish tolerate copper. Flame angels, etc. If a fox face isn't recommended for this type of treatment, you will surely kill him. Best of luck!
jaydm93teg;193149 wrote: well if you get the fish that is sick out, and QT it hopefully you can avoid it spreading to other fish.

Depends on how long the sick fish has been in the tank... One day = you might not have spread it, 4 days = All your fish are not sick or going to get sick.
yep....make sure you use RODI freshwater and not tap water........put the water in a 5 gallon bucket dip him in there for 3-5 min. he will lay on his side at first that is ok....u can give him a nudge to get him up and swimming.

i did this same treatment on my yellow tang now to long ago and he is swimming around healthy now.

dipping in freshwater is what hyposalinity is.......google freshwater dip and you will get quick and easy directions
Xyzpdq0121;193154 wrote: Depends on how long the sick fish has been in the tank... One day = you might not have spread it, 4 days = All your fish are not sick or going to get sick.

yeah i thought i read he just put the fish in like yesterday, maybe i mis understood him
Brazilian;193153 wrote: the guy at the pet store told me to deep the fish in fresh water for 5 min...!!??!! shold I do that?

That is one treatment... One that I used to recommend... IMHO There are treatments that are easier for a "novice" (No offense) to do where you do not have to worry about factors like PH so much. One word of warning... You know a foxface is venomous right?!? Be VERY CAREFUL dipping him. My recommendation is a formalin dip for about 40 min and a stay in a QT tank. How long has the fish been in your main tank. Was he showing signs of ich when you bought him?
jaydm93teg;193155 wrote: yep....make sure you use RODI freshwater and not tap water........put the water in a 5 gallon bucket dip him in there for 3-5 min. he will lay on his side at first that is ok....u can give him a nudge to get him up and swimming.

i did this same treatment on my yellow tang now to long ago and he is swimming around healthy now.

dipping in freshwater is what hyposalinity is.......google freshwater dip and you will get quick and easy directions

I am just going to pick on you today... ;)

Freshwater is fine to use for a FW dip as long as you decholrinate it first..


Hyposalinity is a bit different then a FW Dip. FW has no Salinity because it has not salt. Hypo is low Salinity (and amount under 1.014 SG).
o ok i got you brandon.......haha when i was doing mine i was just freaking out cause i had all my LR taken out and didnt want my new fish to die or infect anything else so i was reading though stuff really really fast.

thanks for clearing it up for me though i do appreciate it!!!!