ID Please? Orange crab....


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Yes, I answered my own question :) but is this guy safe for the my reef? He was in with some emerald crabs and before I throw him in, I want to make sure I won't regret it.

Very cool color.

Looks like a mithrax. Don't they come in other colors besides *emerald* ?

Body shape is the same." alt="" />

Check [IMG],GGLG:2005-31,GGLG:en%26sa%3DN">this link</a>

[IMG] alt="" />
i cant't really see the pics on the phone, but it sounds like a red mithrax. I've got four of 'em. he's as reef safe as any crab.
Yep. Red Mithrax. He should be fine...but like any crab, keep an eye on it. Of my four, one has decided that he'll trim my GSP back periodically, but otherwise they just pick at the rocks.
poritescaribe;139023 wrote: Pics is emerald crab

Linda's pic is an Emerald crab...or Emerald Mithrax Crab (Mithrax Sculptus). The crab in question is a Red Mithrax Crab.
I have one that looks almost the same that I baught and it was labeled as a Strawberry Mithrax, probably just a fancy name they came up with so they could charge me a dollar more than the emerald.
He sure is cute... What ya going to name him... Or is it a her... heck just name it Pat...
Pyle is his name now. haha Although I'll probably never see him again. lol

Also put some of those little crabs that eat with their filter arms....porcelin crabs I think. Very cool little guys. $10 at CB.