idea to get rid of filter socks


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I just set up my first sump, and I hate filter socks.

I was pondering this and wanted to run this by you guys and see what you thought.

If i were to pipe into a three chamber system over the "holding tank" part of my sump, and install three coffee filters in isolated spaces, each overflowing to the next, would this provide the same filtration as the filter sock?

If this will work, tossing 3 coffee filters a week versus rinsing/changing/washing filter socks seems like a solid idea. also you cant beat the price of coffee filters :p

anyways, thanks for input. I am out of powder springs, I havent done an introduction yet, but I am running a 90 gallon with about a 30 gallon sump, reef octo HOB of my sump, a good bit of live rock. Right now i only have 1 blue damsel, 2 clowns (b&w and orange/white) yellow tang, 6 stripe, and a basslet.
:up:Never thought about using them. I don't know how much flow they can handle but sounds like something worth trying.

Edit: AND welcome to the forum!
thanks, good to be here. I was happy to find a club here in atlanta.

I was wondering about the flow issue, but that is why i want to run 3 filters at once, each overflowing to the next to allow enough flow through all of them.
are you using the felt type filter socks or the mesh? I Hated the felt type and when I changed to the mesh ones they are easier to clean.
I think youd be changing daily rather than weekly, but it would work. You might want to look in a settling chamber instead.
I would try a set up using filter floss that you can pull and throw away each week instead of coffee filters. Not bashing the idea, it just seems like you would probably have to change them once a day. They will accumulate build up a lot faster than a filter sock and eventually the water will barely pass through any of the three. But, i have never tried it my-self, so you may be on to something!
I wouldn't try it...

Our RO filters have cartirdges of 200-50 microns, a paper filter has a rating of about 20 microns and will clog in absolute record speed
Good initiative, but I would either switch to mesh type socks (I use them), a settling chamber like Jeremy suggested, or stop using them and vacuum your sump more often.
I, too, would think they'd either clog too fast or they wouldn't filter the water from the tank fast enough initially..
My tradeoff was using a canister filter. I clean it at least monthly though which takes ~20 minutes.
Try the mesh socks. So glad I switched. Much EASIER to clean. I have three and rotate easily.
with the mesh type do they need to be washed, or just rinsed? I do not want to have to wash anything, but a good rinsing is fine.

also, if i went sockless, and were just going to vacuum the sump, essentially a settling tank, would doing it at the weekly water change be fine?
Try the coffee filters what is it gonna hurt. as long as you set them in the sump so when they foul the water will not run outside the sump.

Edit: Maybe try just a portion of the flow through them. If you had to change them everyday no biggie I use two a day for coffee! lol
I didn't think of this before... but with the power that my 90 drains.. the drainage water would beat the filters up into pulp...
Take a coffee filter and put some water in it and see how long it takes to pass through it. In fact, time how long it takes to pass 1 gallon. You'll quickly see that they will in no way work in an aquarium setting.

Filter socks are the best option and are really easy to clean if you get enough extras!
grouper therapy;623945 wrote: Why does it have to be fast?

Edit: Skimmers aren't.
This gets into the whole flow has to keep the funk in the water cloumn to get sucked out rather than settling thingy.
Takes about 1 minute to get a gallon through a cup filter. I wonder what an extra large filter would do .
grouper therapy;623956 wrote: Takes about 1 minute to get a gallon through a cup filter. I wonder what an extra large filter would do .
Go to any restaurant you frequent and get some of their tea filters. They are about 3x the size of the commercial coffee filters
Smoothie;623958 wrote: Go to any restaurant you frequent and get some of their tea filters. They are about 3x the size of the commercial coffee filters

Thanks Keith I will do that. I don't think that it work on a large system but may be just fine on a small system. Sure the flow through one may not be what it is through a filter sock but why would it have to be?. The max flow is determined by the Micron rating and surface area. Has anyone tried a 50 micron filter sock?