If you could ask our local LFSs anything what would it be?

How they run there filtration? There biggest mistakes? How they treat pests? Do they qt? Whyd they get in the business? And can i have some free coral?:)
I've worked at stores that had banks of tanks plumbed into a shared sump behind them and I even worked at a store that used sponge filters. Many stores treat pests differently. Some just do a fw dip while others quarantine and treat w meds. Some stores quarantine and some do not. I got in the biz bc I was young and obsessed with aquariums and I would've worked for free bc I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. The owner quickly realized this and made me aquatic department manager when I was 22 years old and the youngest person in the store. I got 1 maybe 2 days off a month and was on salary so my pay probably came to $2 an hour and I had to be available to answer questions over the phone during the 2 or 3 hours the store was open and I wasn't there. Best call I got was "olong the stores on fire".
Are they interested in holding workshop days? Kind of like HomeDepot where they show you how to build a simple aquarium from the ground up. When I first got into this hobby, the plumbing is what really kicked my butt!