If you have very healthy, long-lived fish, what are you feeding them?

linda lee

Active Member
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Please keep this post specific -- I'd love to know specific name-brands and where you get them.

List specific fish for each food

For the Following Fish(es):

[_] Pellet A
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________

[_] Pellet B
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________


For the Following Fish(es):

[_] Flake A
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________

[_] Flake B
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________


For the Following Fish(es):

[_] Frozen A
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________

[_] Frozen B
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________

[_] Frozen C
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________


For the Following Fish(es):

[_] Live Food A
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________

[_] Live Food B
--- Brand __________
--- Purchase @ ___________



Homemade Fishfood Recipe(s):


I feed my fish _____ times per _____ (day/week)

Water change = ____% every ______ [_] days [_] weeks [_] months

Water volume (tank+sump+fuge) = _____ gallons

Total number of fish _____
I guess I'm a bad parent, but I've got an false perc- 9 years old, a yellow tail damsel- 9 years old, a tomato clown- 8 years old and a couple others over several years old, all fed almost exclusively Formula 1 flakes.
All my fish get the same stuff. Nori, NLS pellet food, ocean nutrition flake, frozn brine, frozen mysis and cyclopeez. Variety is the spice of life.
My feeding schedule is Nori 1 day then the next brine, mysis and pellets. The back to Nori and so on. Every now and then I throw in flakes to mix it up as well as cyclopeez. Rarely do I feed my fish more than once a day, unless it's been a good day or my fish beg me a lot.
I have only had my clowns for a little over a month, but I have been feeding once a day and going back and forth between ORAGlo and Rod's food. I will mix in some of the Formula 1 flakes with ORAGlo once a week or so. I feed very lightly every day since it is only a 14g tank.
I really wanted to know specifically what the healthy fish on the Atlanta Reef Club were dining on these days. Name brands and where you get them, etc. etc. etc.

Guess I'll have to sneak into your homes while you're out and look through your cabinets and refrigerators.

LiveRock27;155877 wrote: I have only had my clowns for a little over a month, but I have been feeding once a day and going back and forth between ORAGlo and Rod's food. I will mix in some of the Formula 1 flakes with ORAGlo once a week or so. I feed very lightly every day since it is only a 14g tank.

There ya go!! A grocery list.

I feed once a day. I use a mix of frozen raw seafood(squid, shrimp, clams, scallops and mussels) plus brine, and a Marine Mix(frozen cubes). All that gets put together minched and then I add Selcon and Zoecon for fatty acids, lipids and vitamins. I'll also feed phyto, 1/2 cup every other day. I change it up sometimes with flake food, pellets and cyclopeeze. I'll toss in some Nori every so often(they go whacko over it). I have 15 fish and several different snalis, crabs, stars, shrimp and a cuc.
I forgot to mention that I add a few drops of Brightwell MaxAmino to all of my food.
I don't know if I would call my current SW setup as long living, since they are only around the 10 month mark, but I feed them once a day and mix it up. One day is frozen day: PE Mysis, frozen Cyclopeese, DT oyster eggs, and fish eggs (not sure brand, cap bay sells em in small little containers like you would get ketchup in). I sometimes occasionally mix brine shrimp into the mix. I have also fed some bloodworms to the tank on occasion and they seem to like those too. Next day I mix formula 1 and 2 flake. 3rd day is formula 1 and 2 pellets. I throw nori up for my tang every 2-3 days. Everyone is nice fat and healthy.

I had a 55 gallon that was a fish only with live rock tank and had fish that lived for 7-8 years in there by just feeding them flake.

I have a 55 gallon freshwater planted tank right now that I feed every 2-3 days only flake and all the fish in there are over 6 years old.

Oh..I forgot to add I toss in a couple of crack rocks and some formaldehyde for preservative!*

*Not intented for actual use, only for humorous reactions
Linda Lee;155893 wrote: Is that the stuff Sal has @ SWC?
Yes, my clowns wouldn't touch the ORAGlo or flake food when I first got them, but as soon as I put that MaxAmino on the food they went nuts. Now they will eat both without it even. Off the subject, but I switched to using all the Brightwell products and couldn't be happier.
Every other day I feed 1/2 a cube of each of:
Ocean Nutrition Frozen Prime Reef (cubes)
Ocean Nutrition Frozen Pygmy Angel Formula (cubes)
Ocean Nutrition Frozen Formula Two (cubes)
plus about a TBS of shreded PE Mysis.

Once a week I feed 1/4 tsp freeze dried Cyclopeze
1/4 tsp oyster eggs
1/8 tsp filter feeder food

I agree that variety is important. I do not rinse any of these before feeding. I turn off my skimmer for 60 minutes after feeding to give everyone a chance to eat the food before it is skimmed out... my fish are very healthy, most have been in my system for 3+ years.
I feed 1 time a day in the A.M. Its a recipe of (ALL FROZEN) Brine, Silver sides, Krill, Squid, Bloodworm I just blend it all up place it into a large ziplock bag or two. Lay the bag on a cookie sheet so that its a thin layer freeze and then just break it up and use the pieces... They seem to love it.
How do you guys feel about H20 Life foods? I think it's the healthiest stuff on the market. Can you get it down there?

H2O coral food mix
H2O Rotifers
H2O Cyclops
Reef Nutrition Rotifeast
Reef Nutrition Arctipods
Reef Nutrition Phytofeast (both LIVE and regular)
for my gorgs and things in my personal tank, and the research tanks here on campus.

H2O mini Mysis or PE mysis depending on what sizes I have
H2O Brine/spirulina plus
H2O Clams on the Half shell
H2O Squid
Pro Salt IQF silversides/krill

You can obviously tell whats for my carnivors and whatnot but again those are for both my personal tank and the school tanks So I can't really list all the fish. But they do include seahorses, clowns, anthias, wrasses, triggers from hell, and eels.
My two oldest fish are an ocellaris clown and yellow tang-both 5 years old. I feed nori couple times a week and frozen foods. I used to buy the Sally's MultiSaltwater cubes-it was easy to pop out a row and mix it up with Garlic Guard. I just made a batch of that frozen seafood mix with nori last week-they seem to like it. Hey-flying army-do you pick out the mussels and imitation crab when you make your food? I thought that since it was cooked that it wouldn't be good for the fishies.

I guess my fish are spoiled because I tried flake food once and they looked at it like it was an alien. One thing that works fabulous for me is if my hippo tang gets ich: feed nori everyday and the garlic guard works wonders-don't know exactly why but goes away quick.

Water change has varied throughout the years but worst was 10% once a month, now more like 25% a week or every two weeks.