I'm doing it right, I'm getting a QT and a sump


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Hey guys,

I am going to take my comittment to the hobby further.


Tommorrow, I am going to go buy a 10g quarantine tank. I have two filters on my 29g main tank (one for a 30g and one for a 25g). Since I already have 30lbs of live rock, I was going to take the smaller filter and put it on my quarantine tank. I am also going to buy a 10-20 g sump/refugium. Veterans, feel free to critique my plans.

Here is my QT plan:
(1) Buy a 10g tank (or a 20g depending on price). Buy a thermometer and a heater. Buy a QT only net. As I stated, I'll just pull the filter off my 29g and use it for the QT.
(2) When I do partial water changes from my 29g, put the excess water into the QT and gradually fill it that way. Mount the filter, thermometer, and heater.

Here is my R/S plan:
(1) Buy a 10g tank that will fit under my 29g base (which has a cabinet).
(2) Get my sump kit. I believe you can order those right? Where can I get a good one?
(3) Grow stuff in there. ANY guidance here would be GREAT!

I am maturing as a saltwater fish keeper. Wish me luck!

NB: I read the article on this site about ich. It was very helpful (I got QT info there too). If all my fish get it, do I put all of them in the QT tank for weeks? Won't that stress them? Please answer this question as well.

If your going to use a HOB overflow make sure it fits between the tank and the wall. Unlike someone else I know did after moving his tank to a new cabinet (that would be me) and then have to drain the tank (partial) and sump (partial) man handle the cabinet away from the wall. Man sometimes its nice haveing large strong sons. I put a 20 tall under my 30 I got from 46bfinga (thanks again) built the baffles (twice) w plexiglass from Lowes (I used the wrong silicone first time. Good luck on your tank, remember this hobby consist of a tank that you pour money into. :lol2: Jeff
WAIT!!!!!! do not buy it yet wait untill sunday(i said saturday do not know why) the 26th-2nd petco is going to have a 1$ per gallon so it would be cheaper do not know the full details but i think you could have a look before you buy anything
I like th eplan for a QT tank. Here are a few things to consider though. 1) I would not leave the QT tank running all the time, unless you are going to be QTing fish in the near future. It just takes up space and energy. Just keep it on hand for when you need it. Get some scrap PVC for the QT tank, different sizes would be best. If you need some I got some. Also, Using the water from your main tank is fine, IF YOU KNOW YOUR MAIN TANK IS FREE FROM BUGS. I can not remember if you have had problems, like Ich, in your display tank in the past, but if so, using that water will only transfer that problem to the fish you are trying to cure or evaluate!

You are in L'vill so if you have any questions or problems, feel free to call on me!
Nano_Reefer92;72236 wrote: WAIT!!!!!! do not buy it yet wait untill sunday(i said saturday do not know why) the 26th-2nd petco is going to have a 1$ per gallon so it would be cheaper do not know the full details but i think you could have a look before you buy anything

Loren just got a couple of 10g's from PetSmart. Coulda sworn I saw stickers on them that said $9.95. (Could be wrong)
10g tanks are cheap all the time...i've seen them under $10.

I like the ideas...showing some signs of maturity buddy!

Like Brandon said, don't bother running the QT all the time. waste.

You can find the HOB overflows on most online stores. Check Sammy at aquabuys, he's a good guy, sponser and local. You can plumb the rest with pvc and hose from HD.

See if you can get an acrylic sump. Check to see if anyone has a used one for cheap. This way you can drill it and make for some very cool plumbing.
Thanks guys:

(1) QT questions: I fear my clown may have ich. One of my clonwns has been glancing infrequently. NO signs of anything on him though (her I should say). Am,ite,ate, all 0! Ca is fine. Alk/pH fine. Salinity fine. However, the Clarkii glancing has been chasing the other (which is NOT glancing).

Anyway, my question is, if my tank DOES have ich, should I then get a brand new filter just for the new tank (since one of the old ones will have ich?). I assume I have to cycle that tank all over right?

(2) Sump question. I don't want to drill stuff or use PVC. Are there kits where I can just get a tank, affix some tubes, and be ready to go?

Thanks guys!
1.) You wont need a new filter. Just clean it and replace the media.

2.) You can get a HOB overflow and use tubing from HD that will go directly into the sump. You will also need a return pump and tubing to put it back into the tank.

You dont NEED to drill for that. It just makes it nice to be able to do that if you ever wanted to. It also allows for a much cleaner install.
Thanks Skriz for the help on the QT.

As far as the sump/ref. What is a HOB and HD? Can I get a kit somewhere in L'ville. My plan is to go Saturday and get all my stuff together before school starts. I'd like to just get the tubes, HOB overflow? HD thingy and a 10-20g tank.

When can I add living things to my sump?

HD = Home Depot
HOB = Hang on back

Aquabuys is close to the courthouse. Check the site or give sammy a call. He'll be there tommorow for a while.
Okay. Say my Clarkii finally display signs of Ich, I move all my fish to the quarantine tank.

First, where can I get a trap?

More importantly, how do I prep the quarantine tank since it must now cycle with sick fish in it?
rajfish;72374 wrote: First, where can I get a trap?

Some LFS's sell these. I've seen them @ Cap Bay and at Marine Fish. Stevhan (It's Fishy Business) will rent you one for $40/deposit and $10/rental (you get the $40 back when you return the trap), or you may find a member kind enough to offer you a loan. We're borrowing one @ present to try to catch the two remaining fish in Loren's FOWLR.
Your tank is the same size as mine and what I did to capture fish was reach in and block off all caves, then I have a large Rubbermaid @30g tub that I started draining water into. When the water level gets low you can easily capture the fish and transfer them. Then pump the water back into the tank the corals just think it was low tide. This is the only way short of dynomite when capturing a DEMON fish.
There really is no prep for the QT tank. If your display tank was pathogen free, you can store your extra filters in your sump, they will culture bacteria and when you need one it is ready to go. In your case, I would not recommend this since you do not want to transfer pathogens from tank to tank and a filter can do that. You will need to watch your QT tank and do water changes accordingly. You are going to feed very little in QT (and I recommend starting to feed very little a day or two before the fish gets in the QT) this way there will be very little food waste and fish poop to foul up the tank.

Have you decided on a course for treatment based on your options?
jefft;72227 wrote: If your going to use a HOB overflow make sure it fits between the tank and the wall. Unlike someone else I know did after moving his tank to a new cabinet (that would be me) and then have to drain the tank (partial) and sump (partial) man handle the cabinet away from the wall. Man sometimes its nice haveing large strong sons. I put a 20 tall under my 30 I got from 46bfinga (thanks again) built the baffles (twice) w plexiglass from Lowes (I used the wrong silicone first time. Good luck on your tank, remember this hobby consist of a tank that you pour money into. :lol2: Jeff

Now see it's all a matter of semantics. I just happen to have a HOS filter on one of my tanks and a HOF on the other. Doh!