In defense of selling the occasional frag


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Mods, feel free to close this post if you believe it might start another flame fest. But to bring back an interesting discussion, I wanted to defend people who sell frags. I think both sides of the argument are valid. I just don't understand why you can't have both.

First off, an introduction.
Many of you probably don't know me. I rarely, if ever, post in here. I almost never go to meetings anymore. I was around in 2000, when the club started. I used to go to every meeting, and developed a lot of friendships. I have seen people come and go in this club. Some of them were close friends(I miss ya Rick!). Various people have led this club both administratively and socially since then. My 'social' involvement in the hobby has diminished quite a bit in the last couple of years. And since then, old members have left and new ones have shown up. So I'm pretty sure there aren't many in the club that recognize me. I still love reefkeeping, but I enjoy it a little more privately(still keeping in touch occasionally with friends I developed in the club). I'm a staff member at Reef Central and help with when I can. For me, that's enough time to contribute to the progression of the hobby right now. That said, I'm really impressed at how much this club has grown.:) To be honest, the reef aquarium scene sucked when I first moved here. It was hard finding any sps. Coming from the west coast, this was a disappointment. BUT, now, the hobby has grown to a great level here in Atlanta. And we have the world's largest Aquarium to boot. I believe this club played a large part in this positive change.

Ok, hope I haven't bored ya yet. Back to the original point. I'm a rare coral nut, like Melissa, and others. I have spent hundreds of dollars on 1/2 frags or single polyps. I try not to buy into the hype of the latest "hot coral" trend, with flashy names. But I do like stuff that is unique. I don't collect rare corals just to grow and sell them. Believe me, tearing down my tank and eliminating the reef bug would put more money in my bank account that selling the occasional rare frag. But I can't seem to get over the reef bug, so I guess I'm out of luck. I've tried for 12 years! ;)

I'm happy to trade with whomever has something that interests me. Problem is, it's rare that anyone has anything I want to trade for locally.:( When I have frags of a coral that cost me a couple hundred dollars, I don't want to trade for something that doesn't interest me. When a complete stranger asks me for a frag of something rare and has nothing to trade for it, they often offer cash. And I'll admit, I'll gladly accept it. That said, I never charged anyone the ridiculous prices I see online, even though I regrettably sometime pay those prices myself. If I grow to be friends with that person, I usually just start giving them corals. If you become my long term reef buddy, you become that person I want to share corals with, in hopes of safeguarding that particular coral from any tank crashes I may have. I don't mean to come off sounding elitist, but I'm not really in this hobby to make new friends. I do it because I like growing corals. Indirectly, I've gained a lot of friendships through this hobby, but that isn't my 1st objective. That said, I'm always willing to help a reefer out, and I have given large amounts of corals to complete strangers who had total tank crashes.

Now, to reiterate, a lot of this relates to 'rare' corals. There are numerous corals I give away for free without hesitation as well. I think the acts of selling frags for a couple of bucks and also giving away other frags for free are not mutually exclusive things. People can do both. People can help others get started with free corals or donate corals to the club for frag sessions, and then still make a couple of bucks to buy some fish food with other corals they own. The difference is what particular coral are we talking about. Back in 2000, I used to show up to meetings with buckets of green slimer acro, hence it is now in almost every Atlanta reef club member's tank. I've given away whole tanks, lights, pumps. Ask some of the founding members of this club, I'm a generous person. But there are going to be corals that I can't grow in bucketfuls. And these are only free to close friends, sorry. Let's keep it real here. If it's free corals you want, come have a beer with me and I'll show up with a bucket of corals. Just don't expect to open the lid and see corals that cost $200 online, or frags that have 3 year wait lists with some vendors. If it's THOSE corals you want, either buy the beers, cough up a few bucks, or wait a few years till the coral isn't so rare anymore. There was a time when orange capricornis was extremely rare, back in the late 90's. I remember getting my first piece. Boy that was exciting. Now it's a weed and it's everywhere. Heck, you may not believe it, but xenia use to be rare!!! That's the great thing about corals, they grow and grow and propagate easily. If you want the cool and unique stuff right now, pay for it. Otherwise, enjoy the bucket of corals that are common and free, which are honestly just as pretty and fun, and then wait a few years till the other stuff becomes common.

I have never had a problem giving a guy locally $20 for a frag. It's money well spent IMO. I guess that's why I've never had a problem asking a couple of bucks sometimes. It's one thing if the person is in it for the money, yeah that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But if it's another guy, just like me, just having fun, then no worries.:)
Oh an please be civil. I assumed the last thread was closed because it got off topic and turned into a flame fest. Perhaps this one can stay open if we stay civil and discuss the topic.

Let me be the first to non-flame and say that you seem like someone who should come around a bit more! ;)

I think some people will tell you that I am one of the most generous people when it comes to helping a fellow person (including reefers) out. You want something in my tank, take it... I like to think that that person will turn around and do the same for someone else. I try to help people out that I believe will be more likely to do this in the future. Will all do it? No! Will I stop doing it? No! As you read in the prior thread, Matt (Piznac) needed some sand, he got about 100lbs from me. No charge... It was nice to help him out. He needs his first corals now. I told him to look me up and he could have some polyps, xenia and such. Nothing rare but good starting corals and lets admit it, when we start out any coral is a good coral. I think that is part of what the hobby is to me. If I was into RC airplanes and I ran out of gas, I would hope that another hobbiest who was there would lend me a bit to get by. We are or were in the same boat at some point. Melissa had some awsome looking zoas that she sold, was the price too high for me right then and there? Yep, so I did not get them but I was some down the road. I hope that Merlin will frag me off a few when they grow in his tank since I helped him out awhile back. If not, I will pay for them and still be as happy.

I do not see why this is a debate on here. Someone recently in Gainesville was trying to sell their fish and tank. She wanted $50 for a Royal Gramma, IMHO too much for that fish. But that is what she wanted and that is her right. Is it worng that that is her price, no. Just means she might not sell it. You can offer your house for sale for $500,000 and that is your right. If someone will pay that then great your just made $500,00K if not then your house that is worth $250,000K will not sell. Something is worth what someone is willing to sell it for and what someone is willing to buy or barter for it.
So let me get this right,.. if I come to your house,. you will give me beer and a bucket full of frags?? ermmm where do you live?

Seriously though,. well said.
As a new member and one with a somewhat new nano tank(at the moment!), I have nothing to trade except those greenbacks, so I appreciate everything I get. I have purchased frags from 3 different guys, and have had great conversations with each of them. Heck, Wei and I spent an hour at Cap Bay just gawking! It's great to swap, and I will when able, but until then, I will spend the dollars gladly. Thanks to Wei, Kzoo, and Stanfill Reef for awsome additions to my sliver of the ocean.
Hey, Mark! Well said. Thanks for posting your thoughts on the topic.

Have you talked to Jake in a while? How's his tank doing?
piznac;30181 wrote: So let me get this right,.. if I come to your house,. you will give me beer and a bucket full of frags?? ermmm where do you live?

Seriously though,. well said.


<-- clueless
Hey Melissa, how goes it.
I need to call Jake. I think he's in Athens now. He was in Denver for a short while. I'll get in touch with him and try to get him to drive out to Atlanta one weekend.
Xyzpdq0121;30174 wrote: I think some people will tell you that I am one of the most generous people when it comes to helping a fellow person (including reefers) out.
To a fault almost. Probably the nicest ARC member I have met and I always feel like I am taking advantage.

I missed a huge thread on this apparently (can't believe I missed a spirited debate... grrrr). I say sell whatever reef stuff you want for however much you want. Some people want more than I am willing to pay for a frag or gear, but who cares? Doesn't hurt me. I am guessing I am shedding $5+ a day growing stuff in my tank so I know most frags that come out of tanks have more invested in them than people are asking. I would be willing to guess that is how many people keep their tanks going as this is an expensive hobby just maintaining.

We live in America... I know between corporate laws in the last 50+ years, well meaning socialist causes and laws being passed that infringes upon the basic premise of this country we have lost most of what this country was built upon, but lets let the market decide these things rather than trying to govern in our private lives.

If someone is trying to sell stuff as a business, maybe that brings up some sponsership issues with the forum but otherwise free market on.
Cameron;30264 wrote: To a fault almost. Probably the nicest ARC member I have met and I always feel like I am taking advantage.

I missed a huge thread on this apparently (can't believe I missed a spirited debate... grrrr). I say sell whatever reef stuff you want for however much you want. Some people want more than I am willing to pay for a frag or gear, but who cares? Doesn't hurt me. I am guessing I am shedding $5+ a day growing stuff in my tank so I know most frags that come out of tanks have more invested in them than people are asking. I would be willing to guess that is how many people keep their tanks going as this is an expensive hobby just maintaining.

We live in America... I know between corporate laws in the last 50+ years, well meaning socialist causes and laws being passed that infringes upon the basic premise of this country we have lost most of what this country was built upon, but lets let the market decide these things rather than trying to govern in our private lives.

If someone is trying to sell stuff as a business, maybe that brings up some sponsership issues with the forum but otherwise free market on.

Good stuff again Cameron. I believe the same thing. If someone is asking too much for something, then it won't sell. No one is forcing anyone to buy it at that price, so no one gets ripped off. If you feel it is something you really want, then you will pay for it.

Let the market and the buyers dictate prices, not on-lookers or people with no business in the matter.

(P.S. I still can't give you any more rep points. I have to spread around some more still. Sorry, I tried.)
Cameron;30264 wrote: To a fault almost. Probably the nicest ARC member I have met and I always feel like I am taking advantage.

You do take advantage!!! LOL J/K :D

I just believe that people should help eachother out. Maybe it is a bit idolistic, but as long as greed and jealousy stay out of the equasion, my way works pretty well. If Cameron needs Pods for his tank, heck I have pods coming out my ears right now. I hope, and know, that if and when I need his help, he will give me what he can. He needs his **** yellow tang in my QT... I have the QT tank that I can put him in and good knowledge on how to dip fish and make sure they are healthy in QT, so I am more then happy to care for him till he is ready for him. It is called community, people, I think alot of people forget that in their daily lifes.

Cameron is right, our society is build on certain traits, many of them bad to some extent. We are a society of greed and jealousy. We always want more then our nextdoor neighbor, we place value in things instead of experiences. I am just as greatful, for a small frag for free as I would be for one that is 1" bigger. I do not strive competition nor do I strive to have what everyone else has. I see the joy in small gifts and remember them when the time comes that I am called on. I have MANY friends who do MANY different things and all know that when I need to call in a favor, I take it seriously. My good friend owns a car wash, I get my car cleaned for free. If you really need a car wash and it is an important thing, I will not wash it for you but I will call my buddy and he will take care of you just as nicely as he would care for me. In ture he does not own a home but if his sister needed an appraisal on her house, I would cut her a deal even if I do not know her because I am in debt to him for one thing or another. Not everyone returns the favor and I remember that too but for the better part of my life it has worked and I think our reef community and or society as a whole would be better off with a little more of my philosphy.

Ok, sociology school and communiest thinking school is out of scession. Come back next week when we discuss the "star treck" theories to a properly build society!
Markv I would add but I can't say it any better then you did. I think most of us who've done this in a while are very interested in only "special" things. That can mean many different things to each of us but the chances of someone having what I want and I having what theyy want available at the same time is extremely rare. Fair price selling is not a bad thing!!
I guess I picked the wrong time to try and sell some frags. I have always felt bad about asking for market value for my frags, that is why I usually try to give out big frags or several frags of the same coral. The second time around they are even cheaper, and depending on the person and situation after that they are dirt cheap or free. Heck last weekend and now this coming week end I have made the trip to Atlanta to hand deliver frags to save people shipping. I didn't add the 50 dollars I spent on gas into the price, I just took it as a loss. I also try to give discounts as much as possible, in some cases as much as 75 dollars. last weekend I even sold 2 PM frags for the price of one and at twice the size of a normal market value, and to top it all off drove an extra hour and a half round trip. As long as there are people, there will always be someone that wants something for nothing. Nothing in this world comes free, and some times you have to pay your own way. There is nothing wrong with our corals paying for themselves every once and a while. 400 dollar power bills need to get paid to. Of coarse I guess I have not been officialy on this site long enough to complaine but Some things are universal, and if anyone that I have sold corals to thinks I over charged for my frags I would buy them back. Sorry for the rant
I don't think you should feel any type of guilt at all for selling frags guys. Giving is great,. it truly is. But I can undertand the desire and need to sell. There are plenty of people here that make there living doing this. Honestly I think thats awesome. But if you can make a little on the side,. I say go for it. Nothing wrong with the dollar,.. I personaly love the barter system and will go for that over cash anytime :yes: ,.. but like some said before,.. I have nothing to trade. So give if you want,.. sell if you want. If you sell then the person who bought was willing to pay in the first place.
I have no problem with people selling their corals/frag. I rather buy a frag then getting it for free from someone that I do not know.

What tick me off are when people asking for my free frag, then weeks later turn around selling it to another ARC member. Those are the people that giving ARC member a bad rep.

Heck look in the FS forum, someone there are trying to sale a Kenya tree frag that are about 1 inch for $5 a frag and no one said anything about it. We all just let some new member jump in and paid for it thinking that they get a great deal just because it was sold from an ARC member.

I think we &#8220;ARC member" need to step up and stop those I have no problem with people selling their corals/frag. I rather buy a frag then getting it for free from someone that I do not know.

What tick me off are when people asking for my free frag then weeks later turn around selling it to another ARC member. Those are the people that giving ARC member a bad rep.

Heck look in the FS forum, someone there are trying to sale a Kenya tree frag that are about 1 inch for $5 a frag and no one said anything about it. We all just let some new member jump in and paid for it thinking that they get a great deal just because it was sold from an ARC member.

I think we (ARC member) need to step up and help stop those vulture from taking advantage of new member
wow kinda wierd,. said that

What tick me off are when people asking for my free frag, then weeks later turn around selling it to another ARC member. Those are the people that giving ARC member a bad rep.

Heck look in the FS forum, someone there are trying to sale a Kenya tree frag that are about 1 inch for $5 a frag and no one said anything about it. We all just let some new member jump in and paid for it thinking that they get a great deal just because it was sold from an ARC member.

But thats is a very valid point. Resellin a free frag would be a bit much. I say share the wealth,.. try to give back when given free. If it cost you,. by all means try and recoup some of that money. Chances are you will be selling each frag for much cheaper then the orginal cost. That is giving back in itself.
Markv;30237 wrote: Hey Melissa, how goes it.
I need to call Jake. I think he's in Athens now. He was in Denver for a short while. I'll get in touch with him and try to get him to drive out to Atlanta one weekend.

Hi Mark!

Sorry if I take this thread off course for a moment, but if you two are referring to Jake Adams, he's coming to Atlanta and speaking at our SaltWaterU conference on May 5th and 6th. Currently, he's still in Denver going to school.

Good to see you posting here again Mark and hopefully I'll see you around sooner than later. :)

Back on course: And I am one of those early recipients of Mark's kindness back in 2000. :up:

I agree with Mark. I will help out a newbie as best as I can, but will be selective with my more cherished pieces.
