Innovative Marine 75g EXT build


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Here goes a new build! Innovative Marine 75g EXT. This will be the largest tank I've set up. I’m hoping not to repeat past mistakes so this build will be on the slower side. Some of the equipment I have planned, but there are several pieces I would like to hear suggestions for…Lighting, return pump, powerheads, carbon reactor???. Ill probably wait for a big holiday sale somewhere and make one large equipment purchase.

Considering this is a medium size tank I’m excited to finally be able to get a couple larger fish. The long term plan is to eventually fill the tank out with coral.

The tank showed up in a large wooden crate on a pallet and I was suprised they dropped it off inside the garage.

Does anyone want the IM crate? Seems like it could be useful.

The tank looks incredible. The silicone work appears near perfect, which is something I was worried about.

I'm hoping the stand meets expectations. The two things I love about it is that it's metal and has doors on each side for increased access.


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I have the same tank been been running a jebao DCP 18000 return pump for about 3 years on it. Sicce x stream SDC powerheads. 2x ocean revives for lights. Its been a solid tank and the matching APS stand is also awesome!