Inspection Please

It looks like an excellent find. Hope you got a good price for it. My only suggestion would be to frag all the corals and give them to all your ARC friends!
FishyBusiness wrote: I really like that clam though! He could make a killing off some frags too!

I answered your email and you got the job. I just couldn't pass up having someone who has done this before helping me do it. Wish us luck.
I move from New Mexico to here about 2 year ago and only lost 1 shirmp and 1 fish, but I only have solfcorals. SPS may be a little harder to move, but I don't think it going to be that much harder.

BAG the hawk fish!!!! They get spood easy and may die before you even get them to your house.

You looking at a day and a helf to two day tank tranfer there. May be a good idea to have a big containter with half the water ready and put all your fish/coral in it while they are waitting to be putting into the new tank.

Shoot me a pm and I'll help with the move
Cameron wrote:
I will see what I can do on the sand. I already have a ton in my garage that is fresh and new. I figured with the stress already on the livestock stirirng up the sand and putting that in my tank was a bad idea. I can probably bag it up, throw it in a cooler as well. You would have to stop by and get it, but I don't see it being a problem. Not sure I will get it all, but he does have about 100lbs.

I have a few foam coolers and what not from all the online oders I have gotten, You can borrow about 4 or 5 if you need to.

Fishybusiness: Wanna come do my aquascape for me?!? I like your look!
Thanks for the offers on helping and the coolers, but I hired FishyBusiness to help with move and he has everything we need I believe.

I am not looking forward to all the lifting and tearing down, but I will be glad to finally get something in my home tank. It has been sitting for over a month while I read... and read... and read... and read... and read. I finally decided to get off the pot.

Huge thanks for the advice and the offers. I will probably have a nice grill out at my place once it is up and running. Will invite everyone over for some free food and good conversation. My GF is a great cook and I can flip meat on a grill really well.