interesting observation from lighting upgrade


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i upgraded from a 1st gen radion to a 3rd gen radion pro a couple months ago and have noticed a change in some of my coral. mostly the change is just in color. my pink and green pocillipora is now mostly pink and my red acan echinata that was orange under the 1st gen is now back to the vibrant red that it was when i first got it. other than that most of my other corals colors just got brighter with the exception of my green monti cap which got duller because its at the very top center (back wall) of my tank and it got bleached cause the pro is a good bit more powerful. but the most notable change is the growth patterns of the two monti caps. the green went from growing in a mostly horizontal and slightly downward angle to almost vertical downward angle. and the red/orange cap went from mostly horizontal and slightly upward to almost vertical upward growth. i just found it interesting that to similar coral that are not far from each other grow so differently.

green cap, top down.
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green cap, front.
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red/orange cap, top down.
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red/orange cap, front.
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That gen 3 pro has a lot more par than gen 1. What intensity are you running at now? Have you played with the specific colors yet?
i set it up in a rush so i just set it up with a similar schedule to my old one. which is around 55% max ramping up from and down to 0 over the course of 16 hours. and it doesnt stay at 55 for more than a few minutes cause its ramping the whole time. i havent really played with the colors yet. i figure i would do it when i set up the new tank cause im going to have to program for 2 lights then and also ill have the apex to do it with as well.