Is an MJ1200 too much flow for a return pump on a 14g Bio-cube?


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Gee, I kinda covered it on the title huh? Pet Mountain is having a great sale on MJ's but they are out of stock on the 900's.

Would a MJ1200 stress the plumbing on my return? The stock pump is about one third the flow of the MJ 1200. I currently have a Koralia Nano that I could retire and rely only on the return pump if it would work.

Should I try it?

Should I wait till the 900's are back in stock?
Dakota, besides the 1200 possibly being too much flow, it is a lot higher wattage than the 900 for that extra flow. I'd wait for the 900 or even try a 600 as dawgdude suggested.
ok, I'm sold on the 600. Unfortunately, they are sold out of those too at the moment.

Thanks guys! You were a big help!
Supposedly from what I've read.........

Both the 600 and 900 mj creates less heat that the Oceanic stock pump at (I think) 145gph.
That was true with my 24G Aquapod as well. I replaced the puny stock pump with 2 MJ900s and had less heat from them.
Dakota9;310012 wrote: Supposedly from what I've read.........

Both the 600 and 900 mj creates less heat that the Oceanic stock pump at (I think) 145gph.

You can check the Wattages on them to verify the validity of this.
Dakota I have a brand new 600 that I bought but need a 400 that I wil get one of theses days from Doc Necrop I believe.

It's been run for about 5 minutes you can have it for what I paid for it.
SOLD! Just have Linda add it to my order, or I can pay you seperately when I pick up the goods!

Thank you!
dawgdude;309961 wrote: I would suspect alot of particulate matter would just get swept straight through by the current and the media wouldnt have enough dwell time to do much. I would even consider a MJ 600 on a tank that size. I see no advantage to the massive turnover people seem to love on sumps and filters for the most part. Ive had great success with high flow in the tank and low flow in the sump.

I agree. I used to due alot of flow in my sump until recently. Thanks to Charlie's advice. I really like the low flow in the sump. My skimmer skims like crazy!
dawgdude;310152 wrote: Im glad you like the results as well. Ive noticed that skimmers have more time to pull the organics out, media has more time to do its thing, biological filtration is not constantly being disturbed, macro tends to grow better in lower flow sumps.......I see people with mag 12s on a 75g or 90g and just kind of wonder......Im running a mag 3 on a 90. Its about 250 gph at the output so its just under 3x per hour of turnover for the whole tank. Some people are turning their tanks over 10x-15x an hour and I just dont see how this could be enough time for much of the water to get filtered.

Yeah I am running a big pump, but it is turned WAAAY down, and it is running my phosban reactor too...
Yeah but with running 3 fans on my T5's I like the extra heat. My 2 300W heaters are on almost all the time lately...
my tank turnover is about 58 :-/ the fish seem to love the flow tho and my test are all good..
Well my flow in the display is taken care of by 2 vortechs. What we are saying is slow flow in the sump, and lots of flow in the display. You should not use your return as adding flow inside the tank. It's purpose is to get water from the sump to the tank after its been filtered, and skimmed, not adding a bunch more flow to your tank...
im sumpless :-( i have 2 k3's in the RSM and a korelia nano in the Biocube but im thinking i need to add some more flow to the biocube cuz ive got some dead spots so im assuming me and dakota are in the same boat.. maybe i should just up the return to a mj600
cfrank84;310210 wrote: im sumpless :-( i have 2 k3's in the RSM and a korelia nano in the Biocube but im thinking i need to add some more flow to the biocube cuz ive got some dead spots so im assuming me and dakota are in the same boat.. maybe i should just up the return to a mj600

I would just upgrade your K nano to a K 1 instead of adding a bigger pump to your return...
cfrank84;310210 wrote: im sumpless :-( i have 2 k3's in the RSM and a korelia nano in the Biocube but im thinking i need to add some more flow to the biocube cuz ive got some dead spots so im assuming me and dakota are in the same boat.. maybe i should just up the return to a mj600

I like the MJ600 idea best, and yank the koralia nano outta there. I have the most beautiful anemone now, and and having zero power heads in the system would be a +. Also, softies and LPS is all I have so high flow really isn't needed.
Not trying to be a fight starter, but I firmly believe you need GOOD flow in your tank, or you will have algae, and detrius problems. Obviously the two are almost completly impossible to rid your tank of, but good flow really helps everything, including LPS and softies.

Having only a MJ 600 as a return in your cube will not suffice in my humble opinion. To each his own though/