Is anybody keeping butterflyfish out there?


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I've been planning my 210 build and I'm thinking about a primarily butterflyfish stocked tank. I know that eliminates most if not all corals from a show tank but I keep thinking back to my tank in NY 20+ years ago and how much I loved my seeing my butteflyfish swimming around in my tank back then, they were definitely some of my favorite fish. Now, back then I did not even consider the possibility of keeping corals, so if I start down this path I know that will set the tone for the tank as a primarily fish only tank. That may not be too bad a thing considering the fact that I'm really not too involved with SPS at this point. Is anybody doing a predominately butterflyfish tank? I know a lot of reefers are keeping Copperbands in their reef tanks but anybody have other species in a mixed tank? I'm looking to research now before I start the build so comments, experiences, etc are appreciated.
Bob Z
I have kept many butterflies in tanks,. and currently keep a pair of pyurmids in my reef. I have kept semilarvatus, pakistani, declevis, and tried copperbands. They can do fine in many tanks. What, in particular, would you want to know?
I have a copperband, hes only been in my tank for 3 days , so far he is eating and doing good :)
Thanks all ---
Jeremy, have you mixed species in a tank? I know that many do not get along with conspecifics and get become territorial. I'd like to come up with a nice mix that will get along fairly well. So far I'm looking at;
fremblli (Blue-lined), pelewensis (Dot-and-Dash), kleinii (Klein's), semilarvatus (Golden), collare (Pakistan) and rostratus (Copperband). From what I've read, these will sometimes leave soft corals alone and are fairly hardy fish who will acclimate to frozen foods. My only past experience was with lunula (Raccoon) and my Copperband and they all did fine. I'm not sure about mixing this many species together and how they would do in a 210. What did you feed the Semilarvatus when you had yours? I know that they can be picky and sometimes tough to acclimated to frozen foods. Guess I am looking to see what species other ARC members have kept successfully and how they fared.
bobz;189736 wrote: Thanks all ---
Jeremy, have you mixed species in a tank? I know that many do not get along with conspecifics and get become territorial. I'd like to come up with a nice mix that will get along fairly well. So far I'm looking at;
fremblli (Blue-lined), pelewensis (Dot-and-Dash), kleinii (Klein's), semilarvatus (Golden), collare (Pakistan) and rostratus (Copperband). From what I've read, these will sometimes leave soft corals alone and are fairly hardy fish who will acclimate to frozen foods. My only past experience was with lunula (Raccoon) and my Copperband and they all did fine. I'm not sure about mixing this many species together and how they would do in a 210. What did you feed the Semilarvatus when you had yours? I know that they can be picky and sometimes tough to acclimated to frozen foods. Guess I am looking to see what species other ARC members have kept successfully and how they fared.
I had my semilarvatus and collares together, and they did fine. I tried multiple collares, and it didnt go so well, but the single got on fine with 2 semilarvatus. They all ate all prepared, but also murdered some corals (xenia, zoas, LPS). I was willing to risk it for their looks, though. I fed flake, frozen formula cubes, mysis, frozen bloodworms. Getting them to eat wasnt too hard, because they were at the fish store I worked at, so they got fed about 20 times a day. Within a few days they were eating like champs.
Thanks, that's very helpful. Did you keep any angels with the butterflys? I've got a beautiful pair of dwarf Flame Angels and would not want to have to give them up to keep the butterflyfish.