is it possible to do this


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ok i use a 5 gal bucket to keep my tank topped of and i fill it every 2 days now my question is can i use kalwasser in the top off if i keep another pump mixing it all the time i just dont want to buy a doser and 2 part is 2 expensive at this moment my alk stays fairly high but my calcium is getting lower by the day
You can but if it is like my tank you will be adding alot of water and if your alk is high it may spike up quick. (have seen alot of people lose corals that way) I had a problem with my cal dropping fast and it was due to my low mag. If you have a high demand it may be ok.
there has been talks of that, tho from what I gather, if the kalk is already mixed in there you will need the bucket to be covered...supposedly the kalk mixture decreases its potency with air. You could always make yourself a DIY kalkreactor for pretty cheap. I might actually have the stuff pretty much made, need to check. You could have it for a frag :)
cool but i have only gsp and yp i can frag or xenia oh and this le hair algae lol
You only want the clear water from the kalk mix entering your tank. If you get the calcium hydroxide particles in your tank you'll run the risk of lowering your KH and Mg significantly. The particles will act as nucleation points for those two elements, as they are calcium based (carbonate bonding) and VERY alkaline (Mg percipitating).

So as long as you can maintain topoff using only the particle free kalk water while constantly stirring you should be able to do that. I don't think it's possible, though.
than what would you suggest i do to keep up my calcium demandi know sam sells this would this work out better for me in the mean time
I really like Reef Advantage Calcium. It's formulated on the Ca:Mg:Sr usage ratios. Basically, every dose is a dose of calcium, magnesium, and strontium at the rate the coral uses it.

If you want a cheaper, but not better, alternative you can use Kent Turbo Calcium. Or you can buy it as generic calcium chloride.

Here's another neat product for topoff water."></a>
Red Sea makes some cool stuff, but I don't know anyone who really uses much of it.

like DB said, you only want the clear liquid entering the tank. So, just mix the 5g bucket and set it for topoff once it has settled. No need to continuously restir the solution.

Also, it does not need to be covered. The solution will not decrease in potency like it was once thought. The film on top is enough to protect the solution. Also, even a loose fitting lid will help.
Reef Advantage Calcium has a lot more calcium than Kalk. Kalk has 2800ppm compared to the 160,000ppm of the liquid Seachem Reef Complete. Kalk is best for maintaining pH and helps with calcium. It's not for raising it."></a>

7lbs of calcium chloride will last you forever with your size tank. Just use a reef calculator to figure out the dose.


Kent, as Turbo Calcium reccomends 1/8 to 1/4 tsp per 50 gallons. VERY concentrated. Dose slowly.
i have some kent marine at my house that i do not use. if my dad lets me i can sell it to you for some coral frags when yours get larger,Victor.
That's what I would use. Seachem gives you a great blend with that product. It is also strong, as I've had a client hit 800ppm Ca when he over dosed with it in a 120. Bulk calcium chloride is less expensive, but it's not better.
jimw369;95728 wrote: Does anyone here mix vinegar with their kalk mix?

I think Cameron does. For me it just adds something extra to pay attention to. Not worth it for me.